trying to decide....

Jan 02, 2008 14:56

I wonder if we would be better off actually putting Chloe's crib in our room and just starting her out with that. The original plan was to put her in a Pack n Play bassinet that we have, but I will need something downstairs as well. So, maybe I will just keep that downstairs (it is quite small and compact), and put her crib actually in our room to start. We can move it in with Reagan when they are ready to share a room.
I just don't like the idea of purchasing a $100+ bassinet that she will only use for a couple of months, and then we still have to come up with something to put in our room anyway. Full-time cosleeping isn't really for me, but I am flexible in that area...I just don't want to plan for it.

Our room is fairly large, but we would have to be creative with rearranging, I think. It's large, but we also have a queen-sized bed and two dressers in it (one vertical, one horizontal). The other thing to consider is that we have certain parts of our room that squeak SO LOUDLY. I want to avoid putting a crib over there, otherwise we'd be waking her up as soon as we lay her down. Unfortunately, the part of the room that would be great for a crib is also the squeakiest (there really isn't any space in this area that doesn't creak like the floor is about to fall through). Ah well. We'll get creative somehow. I might go extreme and put the vertical dresser in storage at least until we move her out of there. I don't know about that, though. Even though it's mostly just storage for journals/candles and other "luxury" items (therefore, we don't use it on a regular basis), it's pretty darn heavy and I'd hate to ask John to move it unless we really had no other option. Plus, I do like having it. haha.

I also have another Graco Pack n Play, a regular sized one. I had planned to use that, but I forgot that we would probably still need to use it for Reagan to stay at my mom's from time to time. She may be ready to sleep in a regular bed not too long after Chloe arrives, but I don't want to plan for that and then be stuck if she's not, either. Her crib converts into a toddler bed, but we're just keeping it as a crib as long possible to minimize stress. "If it aint broke, don't fix it", basically. lol

Then there's the issue of what kind of bedding to choose. Reagan started out with the Lambs of Ivy "La Petite Bebe" set:

It's been scaled down now. We use the lamp and...that's about it now. The bumper has been retired along with the blanket and pillow (does anyone ever USE the fluffy blanket and pillow that comes with these sets?). Oh, and we have the diaper stacker as well which I don't use since we use cloth now and it doesn't quite work as efficiently. Well, we are using Huggies at the moment, but I just stripped all the diapers soo hopefully no longer! That's another story.
In any case, I'm thinking of just going with basic colors and not really sticking with any particular themes this time around. They won't be sharing a room for awhile, but I don't want to buy a whole theme set and it clash with how I want to do the room eventually.

I also want to somewhat "decorate" whatever area of the room turns out to be Chloe's. It won't be anything too involved, but I do want maybe a wall hanging over the crib (or bassinet, whichever we decide to go with in there), maybe also a hanging wall organizer, things like that. She'll be in there awhile, I want it to be "her" area. Obviously she won't really care, but I think/hope it'll help me reconcile sharing with her. lol. I like my space, so quite frankly the idea of sharing a room with an infant (and a husband, but he's a given) for possibly up to 6 months or more is a bit overwhelming for me. Maybe making it somewhat pretty will help that? Ah, who knows.

I think maybe I'll just stick to a basic pastel pink/green set, similiar to the bedding set I got for Reagan. I can buy pink and green sheets to alternate, and re-use Reagan's bumper and mobile. Maybe I can hang the fluffy blanket up on the wall or something.
When they share a room, things might change, but even if I stick with the same theme then it should be ok still. I'll probably just use the bassinet downstairs to let her nap while Reagan is napping, if she does happen to do so (I know, it's laughable to imagine two kids napping at the same time).

I keep trying to remind myself to focus on one thing at a time. This month, it's all decluttering and rearranging/reorganizing with what we already HAVE for the best look and efficiency (in all rooms). That alone really takes up the bulk of my "to do" list. This includes EVERYTHING - sorting through newborn clothes, getting rid of all our useless clutter, etc. Basically, I want to get rid of a LOT of stuff; clothes, books, anything that we don't use, need, or love. I'll probably be listing lots of stuff on here if it's feasible to ship, lol! Not just baby stuff, either.

So anyway, I know that will take a lot of time. I have already started on it, I have cleared out the desk completely and only kept what we needed on there. I did the same with the bookshelves (a huge clutter-catcher). Next, I think I'll tackle the kitchen area. That will take quite awhile, probably. Maybe not, if I can really stick to it. This is where my routines will really come in handy, because I can do a set amount each day and still get all my normal stuff done as well. I'll have to really commit to it, though. I really want to decorate and enjoy the "fun" stuff, but I won't allow myself to indulge in too much of that until the necessities are taken care of. That'll motivate me!

To those of you who are fairly new to my will find that I tend to over-analyze and obsess over relatively useless details quite a bit. Pregnancy seems to heighten that (at least that's my excuse). On the plus side, pregnancy also gives me a time frame to work with, a deadline to stick to. I want to get pretty much all the major stuff done by March 1st, and I'm not due until around the 19th. That leaves plenty of time for just maintenance, cleaning, etc. Nothing major, just kind of relaxing and staying in the habits of maintaining a nice, clean home so hopefully it won't go to crap after I give birth (at least not for long). ;D

My doctor's appt went fine today. I was just in and out after the waiting, as usual. He barely raised an eyebrow at what happened last Friday (he was out that day), and told me everything looks good and he'd see me in a month. So, back to the daily grind for me! It's not like I really changed much, anyway. I just tried not to overdo it TOO much. I'm just waiting for Reagan to wake up now (I'm at my mom's) and then we're headed home!

pregnancy, chloe, reagan, home

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