Apr 10, 2005 22:45
Renee and Justin's wedding was awesome. I am so incredibly happy for them. And yesterday, I finally got to see how completely perfect they really are for each other. So happy and in love. Yeah, I teared up a little. I caught the freakin' bouquet, which is neat, too. :D
Today, we had a neighborhood bbq. I am so freakin' sunburned. I have to lay out tomorrow to fix the lines I have now.. Or else I'm gonna look really weird in my dress on Saturday. Somehow, my face didn't burn at all, though. If you have seen how unbelievably pale my skin is, you should think so too.
Between yesterday's festivities and all of the sun today, I'm freakin' beat. I think my body is fed up, as well it should be. I'm so ready to crawl into bed and sleep a solid 10 hours or so. ;) Which I think I'm gonna go ahead and do.
To the newest Mr. & Mrs., much congratulations. I had a wonderful time just seeing how incredibly happy you are together.
Chell, thanks for the drinks and food. It was very awesome of you, and greatly appreciated by me. I had a lot of fun.
Lauren, I have so completely missed your sarcastic wit and humor. The long talks were great, too. We shall pick through your friends one by one and find me a good man. ;)
Lauryn, I love you. ;)
And to you... You confuse me a little much for my taste. I like complexities, but ones that can actually be figured out in the end. I don't even think you know what your deal is. I'm done trying to understand and be patient. Patience doesn't work for me. Come back around when you grow up a little.