A Survey...

May 19, 2004 17:03

I would LJ-cut this but...I'm lazy and i don't feel like it. So if you don't want to read it- don't.

Part One
Name: Lyn
Location:SC [ nearest city is Greenville ]
Natural Haircolor:Brown with a little red and a couple of blonde streaks [ sun ]
Favorite Bands:Finch, Fall Out Boy, Stone Temple Pilots, The Offspring
Least Favorite Band and Why:The Beastie Boys- they have absolutely no talent.
Screen Name(AIM or Yahoo, state which one it is):AOL: SilentInquiry / Yahoo: aol_hates_me_x
Tell me a story:Uh...that'll just make this entry even longer...so...no.
Do you smoke?No... I don't want to die of heart disease when i'm in my 50's.
Do you do drugs?I've recieved offers, but nope.
Do you live with your parents?Like I have a choice...
Do you like your parents?Yes they're normally tolerable and actually pretty cool sometimes.
Good grades?4.0+ GPA - you tell me. =D
Boyfriend? Girlfriend? No Boyfriend or girlfriend.
HONESTLY(and think about this one), how many of your friends do you really trust:Um...2?

Part Two
Pick a subject out of the two i give you and express your opinion on it. It's ok if it's short, just no half-assed answers like "Ew stupid fags."
1)Gay Marriage or HomosexualityUm..Homosexuality...a lot of people say its wrong and crap and they use the Bible as an excuse for hating on gay people or saying that homosexuality is wrong. Personally, I dont have a problem with it. The Bible says a lot of things are wrong...like eating shrimp or ram, or not isolating yourself for at least a week when its your monthly. And i hate it when people use "gay" as a negative adjective...

2) Labels or Hot TopicLabels..I hate them. Sometimes people mistake my insults for labels, but they're both different things. I'm not serious when I insult...[ at least, not most of the time ]. anyway, about labels..the human race is not something you can package and label like processed meat.

3) Avril Lavigne or Britney Spears If I had to pick one, It'd probably be Britney, not because of her music though. I was reading an interview that she had with Seventeen [ I picked up my sister's copy ]. she seemed quite intelligent and not like the bimbo some people say she is.

4)Eminem or Insane Clown PosseI HATE IcP..so I'd have to go with Eminem. =)

5) Long Distance Relationships or LoveLove > LDR because LDR never works...then again...Love doesn't always work..so I don't know..

Part Three
Pick one or the other.
Pepsi // Coke:NEITHER! Iced Tea Dominates. Always times Infinity.
Marlboro // Camel:I don't smoke so...the cheaper one?
Whiskey // Vodka:Neither- I'm a clean teen =D
Red // Blue:blue
Blondes // Brunettes:brunettes - dark haired boys are hotter =)
Pop // Rap:Neither.
White // Black:black
Half empty // Half full:half empty
One // Two:one
Three // Four:four
Rat // Centipederat[ disected one today & yesterday ]

Part Four
Have you ever been drunk?Define Drunk...lol...no I haven't.
Have you ever been high?Nope...
Have you ever been arrested?Nope...
Do you talk to yourself when your alone?All the time. =\
Do you think youre smart?Yeah I do...in fact some people think I'm conceited, but that's their problem.
Do you think youre ugly?Not ugly but not pretty.
Are you shallow(remember, HONESTLY)?To a certain extent. I've never dated a fat person.
Do you still watch cartoons?Of course- the Simpsons is a cartoon, is it not?
Do you believe in love?I haven't found it yet, so i don't know.
Do you believe you have been and/or are in love?No I don't.
Can you swim?Yup.
Have you ever stolen?When I was about five...I felt pretty bad even though it was just like..a tootsie roll or something.
Have you ever stolen and gotten caught?No
Are you mean and/or hostile to people you dont know?Lol...If i'm bored, yeah.

I stole this quiz ^ I confess. =)
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