
Jan 01, 2007 01:02

Because Kat (nimeni_on_irene) wanted fluff.

Title: Misunderstandings
Pairing: VAM
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own.

Ryan looked around the room, wondering why none of the faces present were that of Bam's. "Yo. Anybody seen Bam?"

Novak's head popped up. "Uh, last I saw him, he was going upstairs after you left to bring Ville to the airport."

Ryan furrowed his eyebrows, and nodded. "Thanks," he mumbled, absentmindedly, before heading for the stairs. Approaching Bam's room, he heard muffled sobs from within. He hesitantly knocked on the door. "Bam?"

"Go away."

"Bam, c'mon, man. Lemme in."

"No! Fuck off! I said go away!"

Ryan tried the knob, and sure enough, Bam had forgotten to lock the door. "What's wrong, man?"

Bam picked his head up, and Ryan noticed his cheeks were red, and wet with tears, while his eyes were bloodshot, and leaking even more tears as he stared at Ryan. "Didn't I say go away?"

"You know I never listen," Ryan replied, giving a soft grin, hoping to lift Bam's mood at least a little.

"Whatever," Bam mumbled, burrowing back into his pillow.

Ryan walked over, and cautiously sat on the edge of the bed, putting his hand on Bam's back. "What's wrong, man?"

Bam incoherently spoke into the pillow.

"Uh... dude, I can't hear you."

Bam sighed as he lifted his head up off of the pillow. "I said, he. Fucking. Hates. Me. Now," he explained slowly.

"Oh. Wait, who? What? What're you talking about, Bam?"

"Ville!" Bam whined, sitting up. "He's mad at me."


Bam shrugged. "Well.... I just... well you know how I am... I say shit I don't really mean, just joking around, right?" Bam paused, allowing Ryan time to nod. "Right. So, I was talking to Ville about this idea he had for a song, and I kinda called him a sap, or some shit like that, and he looked pissed of, but sad at the same time, ya know? And... ugh, I dunno... and then he had to leave, and I just..." Bam shrugged. "I feel wicked bad. And now he hates me. And... ya know..."

"You're used to being around just us, who know you're usually joking."


"And you want him to just act like one of us, and like it never happened."


"And you don't want him to be upset because you love him."

"Yeah... I-wait." Bam's head snapped up, his eyes meeting Ryan's. "What?"


"I don't love him."

"Liar. Come on, man. Everyone knows. It's not a big deal."

Bam shrugged. "Doesn't matter now anyway, eh?"

"You don't know that."

Bam shook his head. "You should have seen the look on his face," he said in a near-whisper.

"I'm sure it's fine, man. Don't worry so much."

Bam shrugged again. "I just kinda wanna be alone right now, ya know?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm checking on you later, though."

Bam gave a small smile. "Sure. Whatever."

Ryan smiled and gave Bam a small hug, before standing up, and leaving the room.

After fighting with himself for nearly half an hour, Dunn picked up his cell phone, and dialed Ville's. He waited as it rang; once, twice, thre-

"Hey, this is Ville. I'm not around right now, leave a message."

Dumbass. He's still on the plane...

After the beep, Dunn bit his lip before leaving a message. "Hey, man. It's Dunn. Um, listen. Call me back when you get this, alright? Later."

No more than ten minutes later, Ryan's cell phone started ringing. He looked at the screen, and saw 'Ville Calling...' across the screen. "Huh?" He flipped his phone open, and put it to his ear. "Yeah?"

"Hey. You wanted me to call?"

"Dude... aren't you on the plane?"

"Hmm? Oh, no. It was delayed. Not sure why. So, what's up?"

"Uh, it's Bam..."


"Yeah... He's all upset because he thinks you hate him, for making a crack about you being sappy or something? I dunno..."

"Oh, that... Yeah... I don't hate him... I kept thinking about it while I was sitting here, waiting for the plane. I realized I completely over-reacted... I know he was just kidding. I just... I dunno. I took it the wrong way, I guess."

"Yeah, well... he's basically been crying since we left for the airport."



"Ryan..." Ville began, shifting in his seat.


"Will you come get me?"

Ryan grinned. "Yeah, of course. I'll be there in a little bit."

"Thank you. I'll wait outside," Ville replied, standing up, and starting for the exit.

"Alright. See ya soon, man."


After the two of them hung up, Ville went outside to wait, wondering why Bam was that upset over making Ville 'mad'. And what it meant.

Ryan immediately grabbed his keys, and headed out to his car, starting for the airport. When he finally arrived, he saw Ville standing outside waiting. He stopped the car, and waited for Ville to get in, before speeding off again, back towards Castle Bam.

"He was really crying?" was the first thing out of Ville's mouth.

"Yeah, man. I went in there, and he looked like he'd been crying for hours. And when I say crying, I mean crying."



After being silent for the rest of the ride, Dunn pulled up to Castle Bam, and looked over at Ville.

"Um... I'm gonna go talk to him."

Dunn nodded, before getting out, and following Ville into the house, separating from him at the living room. Ville continued until he reached Bam's door; briefly knocking, before entering without an answer. Bam was sprawled out on his bed, his head facing the other way, and he was sniffling every few seconds or so. "Not now, Dunn..."

"Not Dunn, Bammie."

Bam sat up, and looked towards the door. "Ville?" he asked, wiping at his eyes, cheeks, and nose.

"Yeah," Ville smiled. "It's me."

"What're you doing here?"

"Plane was delayed," Ville replied, stepping closer to Bam's bed.


Ville walked over and sat down next to Bam, brushing his thumbs over the skin just below Bam's eyes. "You look awful," he grinned.

"Yeah," Bam smiled. "I'm sorry."

Ville gave a choppy laugh. "Why are you apologizing?

"I dunno," Bam blushed. "Although, I probably should be apologizing for what I said earlier..."

"Nah, it's fine. It was just a joke. I get it. No worries, Bammie."

Bam looked up into Ville's eyes. "Seriously? You looked so pissed off."

Ville shrugged. "I had time to think. I realized you didn't mean to hurt me. It's fine. Really, BamBam."

Bam grinned, and jumped on Ville in a hug, effectively knocking him over, onto the bed. Bam snuggled up to Ville, a huge grin on his face. "I really thought you were mad at me."

"I could never be mad at you, Bam," Ville smiled, kissing Bam's forehead, and wrapping his arms around him.


"Well... not for very long. Especially over something little like that."

Bam's smile grew, as he rested his head in the crook of Ville's neck, and mumbling something into his skin.


"Um... I love you."

"I love you, too, BamBam."

Bam closed his eyes, a content smile on his face.
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