Title: irvine
Rating: PG
Fandom: Roswell
Pairing: Isabel/Michael
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: 3x14.
Summary: What if Michael couldn't heal Isabel when she was shot in "Panacea"?
Note: Written for the second round of drabbles at
pretty_stickers. Prompt was "hands".
Note2: It's at almost 5 in the morning, I can't sleep because I'm full of anxiety and I wrote this in about five minutes. So it probably sucks, but I really wanted to get some drabbles in this round.
Originally Posted: 9th July, 2007
She’s going to die; you’re sure of it.
Her face is as white as a ghost already, covered in a thin sheen of sweat - but she still looks as beautiful as ever. You brush aside a stray strand of dark hair (you rather her blonde; but you understand the urge for change), droplets of fluid clinging to your fingertips. You lay your head upon her chest, entwine your strong hand with her own limp one. You listen as her heart beats under your ear, strong then weak.
She takes one last shuddering breath and then she’s gone.