silent nights covered by bright lights - nathan/claire - heroes - fanfiction

Jan 06, 2007 13:52

Drabble Request #2
Title: silent nights covered by bright lights
Rating: PG
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Nathan/Claire, with past Peter/Claire
Word Count: 286
Warning: angst, mentioned character death
Written For:
Prompt Used: "He watches her, eyes closed but he knows she does not sleep. She cannot; she's not alive any longer. All the light in her eyes died with her family." - I didn't use the sentances, but I used the prompt for inspiration, and partially as a basis. Oh, and I was listening to "Everything I'm Not" by The Veronicas when I was writing, but it didn't effect the story.
Originally Posted: 6th January, 2007

You glance, silent and steady, out of the corner of your eye. She looks oddly melancholic in the smooth, bright lights of Paris; untouchable and cold, metal and steel. At the same time, her green eyes give a different vibe - honeysuckle warmth that you could sink right into. You slip in beside her and lay your hand on her shoulder, brushing aside her long blonde hair. She doesn’t flinch. Nothing can scare her anymore.

It’s been two days, three hours and fifteen minutes since the world ended.

The sheets scratch your bare torso and her feet are cold against yours. She closes her eyes, but you know she won’t be getting any sleep tonight (or any night soon, she won’t sleep unless you drug her, like you plan to drug yourself). You press a kiss on her shoulder, against the tattoo that also brands your own skin; and the skin of the people so like the both of you - the people you failed to save.

It’s been two days, three hours and sixteen minutes since the world ended; and you’re both only alive because he begged you to leave him behind.

You remember how she shuddered in your arms, screamed and cried knowing only you could hear. You remember the utter desolation on her face as the eerie red glow engulfed him (your brother, her husband), wiping him from existence, killing them all.

She shivers against your body and you scoop her up into your arms. She may be dead inside, but you can still save her. Again, you press a kiss on her shoulder, against the tattoo that also brands your own skin; and you make a silent promise.

Save the cheerleader, save the world.  

ch: nathan petrelli, !fanfiction, ch: claire bennet, ship: claire/nathan, - heroes, *pg

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