Searching For Our Saving Grace 02/??

Aug 08, 2010 01:44

Title: Searching For Our Saving Grace
Author: fadedmemory_x 
Rating: NC-17 [Overall]
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/Zack Merrick (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/John Ohh (The Maine), Alex Gaskarth/William Beckett (The Academy Is...), Alex Gaskarth/Travis Clark (We The Kings), Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes (Bring Me The Horizon), Alex Gaskarth/Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship), Alex Gaskarth/Christofer Drew (NeverShoutNever)
Side mentions of Merrikat and Oli/Everyone
POV: Third
Summary: Alex Gaskarth has just killed a man. Or has he? Stuck in prison he has no way of proving his innocence except for his half-assed lawyer. Can he survive prison long enough to be set free or will his secrets come spilling out?
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people in this story, they rightfully belong to themselves. This is purely fiction and never happened to my knowledge in real life. Title credit to The Maine, cut belongs to Rammstein 
Warning: Language. Personalities changed to fit purpose. Abuse
Dedications: To anyone reading this and to the lovely people that read/commented on the first chapter :)
Author Notes: LJ Cuts still baffle and confuse me so this one's probably as wrong as the first one. If anyone wants to attempt to teach me that'd be great :) Anywho, comments are love. And I haven't picked a regular date for updates yet so sorry for that D:

When Alex arrived at the prison he was instantly thrown into what looked minutely like a hospital room. Alex was starting to get nervous. Why did he need to be in a model hospital room? He felt the panic start to rise in his chest and nearly had a heart attack when the door swung open. Into the room walked a man, somewhat older than himself but only by a few years. He was heavily tattooed, the most obvious being a rose on his throat, and there were light dents under his bottom lip hinting at a previous piercing. He surveyed Alex with an ice cold stare before pulling on a pair of latex gloves. Alex whimpered as the glove snapped against the man’s wrist. He took a step towards Alex, still wearing that icy stare, and Alex found himself shuffling backwards. Something about this guy made him nervous.

“Get back here” the man snapped, his accent distinctly Northern English.

Alex instantly did what he was told even though every one of his instincts was telling him to run. The man hooked a finger under his chin and forced his head up, laughing at the look of fear in Alex’s eye. It was a laugh that shook Alex to his core, the laugh of a demon in human form.

“This won’t hurt…much” the man smirked.

Alex whimpered again causing the man to laugh once more. Alex felt like a child, lost and alone in a city full of strangers. Strangers that meant him harm. He felt the panic start to rise in his chest and his eyes searched desperately for a way to escape. The next thing he knew, a tattooed fist collided harshly with the side of his face. Before he had time to recover his face had been yanked back to face the Northern man. Hatred blazed in his dark eyes.

“Listen to me when I’m speakin’. Take your clothes off” he snapped, clearly struggling to resist the urge to hit Alex again.

“W-what?” Alex choked out.

“Your clothes. Take ‘em off”.

So Alex did just that, more out of fear than willingness. He stood shaking and staring at his feet, hands covering his manhood and tears threatening to burst from his delicate chocolate eyes. He refused to cry, though. This man, whoever he was, would surely get some kind of enjoyment out of his tears. The man smirked at the sight of Alex, relishing in the way the younger boy cowered from him like a beaten dog. Alex whimpered yet again and shuffled back until he was flat against the wall. Apparantly this didn’t amuse the man who scowled and yanked Alex forward harshly by his arm.

“You think fuckin’ around with me’s funny?” he snapped, causing Alex to clench his eyes shut.

“N-no, sir, I-I’m sorry” Alex stammered, barely holding back the tears now.

“The name’s Oliver but you can call me Sykes like the rest of the scum in ‘ere” he said a little softer than the times he’d spoken before.

Alex nodded, incapable of forming words anymore and tried to relax a little now he knew the man’s name. It didn’t really help.

‘Sykes’ grabbed Alex’s wrist and flipped him round to face the wall. Alex shivered as he remembered exactly what a cavity search entailed. He certainly didn’t feel any better about it when this ‘Sykes’ told him to stand with his palms against the wall and his legs apart.

He squeaked in surprise when he felt something forced into him and start moving around, checking every inch of him for any concealed objects. Then the pain kicked in and he couldn’t keep in his tears any longer. They streamed down his cheeks in a warm salty torrent and he bit down on his lip to stop any whimpers escaping.

“Fuck me, you’re a virgin” Sykes laughed, his finger still buried inside Alex.

Alex let out a sob then clamped down on his lip again, refusing to give this Sykes guy the satisfaction. Sykes let out a chuckle.

“I’m gonna have to go easy on you then, ain’t I? Shame, I was lookin’ forward to ‘aving some fun” he said, easing a second finger into Alex.

He let out another sob as his knees started to give way but before they had the chance to buckle underneath him, Sykes hooked an arm around his waist, holding him up. His hand snaked down to Alex’s hips.

“Stop it” Alex mumbled feebly, knowing full well that nothing he said would matter in this place.

“You want me to stop?” Sykes asked innocently and Alex nodded, “But baby I can make you feel so good”.

Alex shook his head fiercely, stray tears flying from his cheeks to the cold floor. Sykes grinned, his hand moving further south. Alex tried to wriggle away but Sykes pinned him against the wall.

“I’m bein’ nice compared to what’s out there,” Sykes said, gesturing to the door with his head, “They don’t go easy on virgins in ‘ere”.

Alex wasn’t sure what this Sykes guy was going to do but thankfully he was interrupted as someone else walked into the room. They surveyed the scene in front of them and sighed.

“Again Oli? Really?”

Sykes, or Oli as the newcomer had called him, shrugged. “Virgin”.

“Ouch. Well, get him dressed. It’s nearly roll call” the other person said and left the room.

Oli pulled his fingers out, sliding the gloves off and smirking as Alex slid to the ground and let out more sobs. He couldn’t spend his life like this. He had to prove he was innocent.

A/N 2: I saw Bring Me The Horizon on Sunday and met them at the signing tent. Oli's so lovely in person, I don't know if I can keep writing him like this.

searching for our saving grace

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