FIC: "Bitch" - 1/1, LM/SB, PG13, LoTRiPS

Oct 14, 2003 18:58

Title: Bitch
Author: Jo (
Pairing: Lawrence Makoare/Sala Baker (as told from Dom's POV)
Rating: PG13
Summary: Who knew Lawrence was a writer?
Archive: Faded Ink, Southern Cross, all others ask first.
Disclaimer: While I'm sure that, at some point in time, Lawrence, Sala, and Dom have shared an elevator together, I'm positive this never happened. In other words, I made it all up.
Author's Notes: This is what happens when I find out that Lawrence has made the public statement "I've seen Sala porn" at a con. Thanks to azewewish for helping feed the bunny. For the uber-lovely beccaming on her birthday. Just a fluffy little crack!fic, but the thought was there. *mwah*

"I can't believe you said that!"

Sala glared at Lawrence as the elevator doors slid closed. His glare was met by a calm, almost serene smile. And it was all Dom could do to not laugh.

"Well, it's true, innit?"

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone."

Again, Dom was hard-pressed to keep from laughing. He was willing to swear that Sala was pouting. Not, of course, that he would ever do that in Sala's hearing. No, not him. He valued his life too much.

"It's not like other people haven't seen it, too," Lawrence said, still calm, still smiling. That just seemed to further irritate Sala.

"Only because it was posted to that bloody list." Sala's words were accompanied by another glare.

"It was a good story."

"You're only saying that because you wrote it."

Whoa, okay. Back up a second here. Lawrence wrote Sala porn? Dom's mind boggled at that. Then he was back to swallowing his laughter as white teeth split a dark face in what had to be the cheekiest grin Dom had ever seen Lawrence wear.

"Still a good story," Lawrence replied, eyes lifting to check the elevator's progress. Dom's eyes lifted, too. Only three more floors.

Dom wondered if they were going to keep this up the entire way. He hoped so. This was the most fun he'd had all weekend.

"Could've been better," Sala grumbled, not quite under his breath.

"Oh?" Lawrence glanced over, one eyebrow lifted.


"This I've got to hear."

Lawrence folded his arms over his massive chest and leaned against the wall. He was obviously waiting for Sala's answer. Truth be told, Dom was waiting for it, too. And making a mental note to track down this story, regardless of the time and effort it may take. The whole idea sounded intriguing.

Sala mumbled something and didn't quite meet Lawrence's eyes. A fact that seemed to amuse Lawrence to no end as he tipped his head forward a bit.

"Come again?" Lawrence peered over the top of his sunglasses -- and Dom had an absurd moment of wonder as to whether or not Lawrence took them off during sex. He was sure Sala could tell him. Dom had to stifle his laughter by biting on a knuckle.

"I said you could've let me top," Sala said, his voice a curious cross between a growl and a whine. His cheeks turned pink, and Dom was startled -- and amused -- by that. He'd never seen Sala blush before.

But Lawrence, apparently, had, because he merely blinked once and then laughed. "Let you top?" He managed to ask between chuckles. "Mate, you're so not a top."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"Only because you've never let me."

Dom barely managed to turn his burst of laughter into a cough. Luckily, neither man noticed. He pressed into the corner, watched with wide eyes. This was horrifying and amusing and fascinating all at the same time.

"That's because you're the bitch in this relationship."

Another snort of laughter from Dom's corner. He felt like he would choke if they didn't stop. But fuck all if he wanted them to stop. This was providing him with enough blackmail material to last well into the next decade.

"I am not!" Only Sala could manage just the right mix of indignation and disbelief. Lawrence just grinned and rocked back on his heels.

"Yeah, mate, you are."

"Bet I could make you my bitch."

Lawrence peered over the sunglasses again, eyes twinkling. He was still smiling, but something had changed. It was dark now, with a feral edge. Even Dom, from his refuge in the corner, could feel the challenge radiating from Lawrence.

"Y'think so?"


"Kinda like to see that."

"Yeah?" Sala's voice had an odd, breathy quality that Dom had never heard before. And he'd spent a lot of time in Sala's company.

"Yeah," Lawrence murmured, voice low, slow smile spreading across his face. And Sala took a step forward, almost as if Lawrence was pulling on an invisible rope.

Just then, the elevator doors opened, and Dom breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. As much as the two of them had amused him, he could get out of there before he had the chance to see Sala porn -- live and up close -- for himself. Because he was pretty sure that that was exactly where it was heading.

Quiet as a mouse, he slipped past them. They didn't seem to notice. And Dom was very glad of that. He glanced back, just as the elevator doors started to close, in time to see Sala press Lawrence against the wall. Dom didn't quite manage to look away before Sala's lips claimed Lawrence's.

"Christ, guys, get a room," Dom muttered under his breath, shaking his head and starting down the hall to his room. His only answer was silence. A fact, for which, he was eternally grateful.

- written Oct. 12, 2003

character: lawrence makoare, character: dominic monaghan, character: sala baker, fic: lotrips

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