Schmoop comment!porn - PG13; JA/CK, JDM/JA; CW RPS

Jan 01, 2009 19:47

For wendy's Schmoop Comment Porn.

For azryal
Jensen Ackles/Christian Kane, sharing a melty Popsicle

It was, Christian thought, literally hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. What the hell had he been thinking to agree to Jensen's suggestion that they go to Texas for a week in June? Clearly he needed his head examined. Which Steve had been saying for years, so maybe there was something to it.

Grumbling under his breath, Christian shifted in his chair, grimacing at the way his legs stuck to the seat, the way his t-shirt stuck to his arms and back. The feel of sweat sliding down his spine and beneath the waistband of his shorts made his skin twitch. Damn heat.

And then Jensen, looking cool as cucumber (and how the hell did he do that, anyway?), stepping through the door holding a Popsicle of all things. Just one. And he was eating it.

Christian just looked at him.

Completely unfazed, Jensen pulled the Popsicle from his mouth with a loud pop. His lips were shiny and already stained red from the frozen treat. "Only one left," he said, by way of explanation.

"Uh huh."

Blue eyes narrowed, and Christian watched Jensen smirk and stroll towards him. Long legs in frayed cut-offs drew Christian's attention for a moment, then his eyes snapped back up to Jensen's smirk.

"I was planning on sharing," Jensen drawled, holding the melting Popsicle over Christian's face and tipping it so the liquid could slide down and drip off the end.

"Uh huh," but Christian tipped his head back, eyes closed, and tried not to flinch as sticky, icy liquid spattered his cheeks and chin. He didn't bother to open his eyes when the Popsicle touched his lips, just opened his mouth and let his tongue swirl over the cool sweetness.

It was only when Jensen's tongue, hot and soft, joined the Popsicle that Christian opened his eyes. He didn't close them again, holding Jensen's gaze with his own, as their tongues slid over the Popsicle in unison, and Jensen smiled, causing heat of an entirely different sort to rip through Christian.

For lori_leaf
Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jensen Ackles, kissing his forehead

It's early in the morning, the sun just thinking of peeking over the horizon, when Jeff wakes. He's not sure what woke him, but he takes a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet and the warm body pressed tight against his side. Shifting a little, taking care not to wake Jensen, Jeff rolls to his side, looks down at Jensen's sleeping face.

Once more, he's entranced by the dusting of freckles over Jensen's nose, the way long lashes curl against his cheekbones as they flutter when Jensen dreams. The way his nose twitches is endearing. Hell, even the way his hair is flattened on one side and pillowcase wrinkles etch up one cheek are endearing.

Pretty pathetic, really, but Jeff can't think of any other way he'd like to wake up every morning. As much as he bitched about getting up early only to get thrown around on set for his takes, he wouldn't change his experience with Supernatural for anything.

After all, it had got him Jensen.

Just then, dark lashes lift, and sleepy eyes peer up at him. Jeff smiles when Jensen tries to bury his face in the pillow. "Mornin', sleepyhead," he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to Jensen's forehead, letting his lips linger against warm, smooth skin.

character: christian kane, ! schmoop comment fic, fic: cw rpf, character: jeffrey dean morgan, character: jensen ackles

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