FIC: "Coffee & Cream" - 1/1, KU/LM, NC17, LoTRiPS

Mar 12, 2003 16:07

Title: Coffee & Cream
Series: Hedonism (part 1)
Author: Jo
Pairing: Karl Urban/Lawrence Makoare
Rating: NC17
Summary: Lawrence is coffee; Karl is cream
Distribution: Ask first, please
Disclaimer: This never happened. Of course, it might have, but they didn't see fit to tell me about it. Which is a shame really, because the image is quite lovely.
Author's Notes: I'm completely blaming this one on CJ, yep. 'Tis all her fault, really. This one's for CJ, for giving me the initial bunny and feeding it, and Brenda, for further feeding the bunny by saying "Lawrence adores Karl; we talked about him." I hate you both. ;)
Author's Notes 2: Written & completed on Mar. 2, 2003, making it the first Karl/Lawrence fic in the fandom. Go me.

Karl wasn't quite sure how he had got here. All he knew was that earlier he was there, and now he was here. Here being right smack in the middle of Lawrence's bed. Naked. With Lawrence. Also naked. And if that didn't boggle his mind, he didn't know what would.


"Shhh." Lawrence didn't even look up as he lit another candle - the eighth, if Karl remembered correctly - and leaned over to set it on the small table beside the bed. Two more were lit and placed elsewhere while Karl watched, his mind drifting back over the almost surreal events of the evening.


"You want to what?" Karl wondered how wide his eyes were as he stared at Lawrence. Surely, he could *not* have heard him right. It had sounded like Lawrence said...

"Come on, Karl. You telling me that you honestly had no clue?"

The look Lawrence fixed on him was enough to set his blood throbbing in his veins, but still Karl hesitated. After all, this wasn't exactly something he'd done before. Not that he was going to admit to that, or anything.

"Well, no, but..."


"I didn't think you meant tonight," Karl finished in a small voice. And was rewarded with a slow smile as Lawrence slid across the couch towards him.

"I said tonight. Tonight means tonight, mate." Long, blunt fingers trailed across Karl's cheek, and he fought to keep his eyes open, keep them focused on Lawrence. That smile was going to kill him. That is, if the touch didn't do it first. "Don't you think it's time?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"No buts," Lawrence murmured, one finger settling over Karl's lips. He leaned in, brushed warm, cocoa colored lips across Karl's cream skin, smiled when Karl's lashes fluttered just a little. "How long have we been doing this?"

'This' was dating. Sort of. Karl didn't know what, exactly, to call it. "Well," he said, voice just the slightest bit breathless as those long fingers trailed down his throat, "couple of months."

"Exactly." The words were soft in Karl's ear, breath moist and warm on his skin. He shivered just a little as one finger dipped under the collar of his shirt to circle the livid mark left there last night by the lips that now caressed his earlobe. "You're ready, Karl."

"I'm not."

"You are." The finger under his collar moved, drifted down across his chest, across his stomach, to trail over the rapidly hardening bulge in his jeans. "This says you are."

"Lawrence, I..."

"Shhh." Those warm, full lips covered his, and Karl promptly forgot what he was going to say. He could handle this, handle the lips that molded to his, handle the tongue that filled his mouth to tease and explore. He could even handle the fingers that nimbly unbuttoned his shirt and smoothed it open to bare his chest. He wasn't so sure he could handle the rest.

He had just started to sink into the kiss when Lawrence pulled back, smiling and licking his lips. "Fuck, you taste good."

"So do you," Karl murmured, curled a hand behind Lawrence's neck to pull him back for another kiss. But Lawrence resisted.

"I want to taste the rest of you."

The image those words sparked in his brain - lush, full lips wrapped around his cock, dark on light - caused every bit of air to leave Karl's lungs in a soft whoosh, and his cock to harden almost painfully. Jesus...if just *thinking* about it affected him this badly, Karl didn't think he'd survive the actual act.

He hesitated just a fraction of a second too long, and Lawrence stood. "What..." His question was cut off by Lawrence pulling him to his feet, pulling him against that hard, muscled body, and capturing his lips in a kiss that had Karl's toes curling.

"Come on." Saying nothing else, Lawrence wrapped his hand around Karl's and tugged him down the hallway to the bathroom. Pushed inside the small blue and green room, Karl began to believe that his eyes were going to remain permanently wide. So this was what Lawrence had been up to when he vanished a little earlier.

"What's that?" Karl asked, staring at the tub full of steaming water.

"That's a bath," Lawrence replied with a soft chuckle, pushing Karl further into the room and following him.

Well, duh. Karl *knew* that. He wanted to know what it was for. Opening his mouth to ask just that, he closed it again when strong hands slid his shirt down his arms and let it drop to the floor. Looking down, he blinked at the contrast of Lawrence's dark hand against his own, much paler chest. And sucked in his breath when a pink tongue flicked over a nipple as those fingers dipped just under the waistband of his jeans, deftly popping the button.


"To relax you," Lawrence said, matter of factly, as he unzipped Karl's jeans and shoved the heavy denim over lean hips. All Karl could do was stand there and watch him, lifting his feet and stepping out of his jeans when Lawrence directed him to do so.

"To..." Um, okay. Karl wasn't sure what to think of that, and he felt rather foolish standing there in just his boxers, arousal blatantly obvious as Lawrence turned to kneel by the tub. "You think I need relaxing?"

"You're tense as hell," Lawrence said, not turning around as he poured a few drops of oil into the water, stirring it with his fingers. Fragrant sandlewood filled the room.

"I am?"

"You are."

Karl jumped when Lawrence touched him again, frowned at the soft chuckle that elicited. Okay, so maybe he was a *little* tense. But only a little. He jumped again when Lawrence, behind him, tugged at the elastic of his boxers, slowly easing them down. Well, alright. Maybe he was more than a little tense. Fuck! Okay, okay, so he was a *lot* tense. But damn...Lawrence didn't have to drag his fingers up Karl's inner thigh just as he bit his shoulder, did he?

"See?" Another soft chuckle, and then Lawrence was pushing him towards the tub.


"Hush." And Karl had no choice but to hush when Lawrence spun him around and kissed him again, one hand settling in the small of Karl's back to pull him close. And...yeah. Karl could get used to this, to the rough denim rubbing against his thighs and cock, the cool silk that slipslid over his chest. Before he could really start to enjoy it, though, Lawrence gave him a gentle nudge towards the tub.

Karl took the hint, stepping into the tub as Lawrence left the room, one hand sliding along the wall to push a small button. As he closed the door behind him, soft music filled the room. Maori music. Karl had heard enough of it to know, but he'd never heard this song before.

He hissed quietly as he eased his body into the water, wet heat turning his skin instantly pink as the heavy, slow rhythm of the drums swirled through the damp air. Mmm...definitely tense. And this was nice. Very nice in fact. With a soft sigh, Karl closed his eyes and leaned back, letting the water and the music soothe him.

His eyes popped open sometime later - he had no clue how much later - when large hands on his shoulders sat him up, and Lawrence slid into the water behind him. "Wha..."

"You know, you talk entirely too much," Lawrence commented. He sounded amused. Twisting around, Karl caught the smile before Lawrence could hide it. Wanker. He *was* amused. Karl frowned, tried to move away. And didn't succeed as Lawrence's arms curled around his waist and pulled him snugly back against a broad, firm chest.

"Wanker," Karl muttered, not quite under his breath.

"You love it."

Yeah, still amused. Karl continued to frown a little, thought maybe - just maybe - he was bordering on pouting. And then those hands - those warm, strong, gentle, wonderful hands - started to move, sliding over his chest and stomach, down his arms, along his thighs.

"What're you doing?"

"Ancient Maori secret."

Ancient Maori secret, huh? Yeah, Karl believed that. But those hands kept gliding over his wet skin, and now those lips were nuzzling the back of his neck, pushing hair just a hint too long aside to touch flesh. And the heat and the smell and the music and...Karl felt himself slipping into a state of languid awareness, felt his heart slipping into rhythm with Lawrence's as he felt it thudding against his back.

Time lost all meaning as Lawrence continued to stroke his body, continued to kiss his neck and shoulder. Karl relaxed, let his body unwind until he was resting fully against Lawrence. Chest pressed to back, arms encircled, hands touched. Then, Lawrence was speaking softly, urging him to his feet, pulling him out of the tub to dry him. A thick, fluffy, white towel enveloped his body as Lawrence rubbed it briskly over his skin, catching each drop of water before it could escape.


Lawrence placed his fingers over Karl's lips, shook his head. Ah...the time for words was over. And, just like that, Karl felt the butterflies start to dance in his stomach. Lawrence must have sensed it, because he quickly dried himself, then took Karl's hand again.

And, somehow, Karl found himself in Lawrence's bedroom, staring at the one candle that flickered merrily atop the dresser. He'd been here before, a few times. Once to borrow a shirt of Lawrence's before they went out. Another to change after swimming. A third to borrow a book Lawrence had promised him. All completely innocent visits. And, not once, had he ever noticed the full length mirror that hung on one wall.

He stared at it, stared at his reflection, as Lawrence moved around the room. He heard the soft hiss of a match being struck, then smelled more sandlewood. As a thin trickle of smoke curled around him, he saw the soft glow of incense reflected off to the right. A few more candles were lit and set out. Karl looked up when Lawrence's reflection joined his in the mirror.

Neither one spoke. They didn't have to. They simply stood and looked at the aching perfection of dark and pale, shadow and light, Lawrence's hands on Karl's shoulders. And still no words were spoken when Lawrence led Karl to the bed, gently pushed him down to sprawl on rich cream silk sheets.

And Karl watched. And admired. And wanted. In silence.

But Lawrence knew.

Karl could tell he knew by the way he smiled when he crawled across the bed towards Karl. And he shivered a little when inky hair trailed over his face as Lawrence bent to kiss him.


"Pay attention."

Karl's thoughts were drawn back to the present by the soft command and the fingers that deliberately brushed his nipple. Dark, amused eyes looked down at him, and Karl smiled. Pay attention. Yeah, he could do that. Lawrence returned the smile, bending his head to brush a light kiss over Karl's lips.

Then...then Lawrence's lips trailed over Karl's cheek, down the column of his throat, slid over one collarbone. And Karl shifted restlessly, only to be instantly quieted by gentle hands at his waist. He wanted. But he didn't know what. So he focused on Lawrence, on the feel of Lawrence touching him, and hoped that would tell him.

Shadows danced on the walls. Candle flames took on a soft glow in the faint haze from the incense. The quiet crackle of the fire eating the wicks, the sharp flickerflickerflicker as each flame moved, dancing and swaying at the end of each wax pillar, the muted rustle as silk sheets moved, the wet glide of lips over skin...Karl was drowning in sensation.

He lifted his head, looked down, was struck by the play of colors. Cream and rich chocolate and licorice. Sheets and skin and hair. Melding, touching, moving over each other. It left his senses dazed, sent them reeling as hair darker than the absolute lack of light slid over his skin, leaving a trail of puckered flesh in its wake. And always the lips and hands were there, touching, tasting, mapping skin and muscles that trembled a little more with each touch.

Karl tried to breathe, tip of his tongue tucked tightly in the corner of his mouth, hands fisted in the cream silk beneath him. Each touch, each feathery caress across his skin left a trail of snapping sparks in its wake. Each breath, ghosted across his skin by full lips, made his body tighten with longing...but longing for what, he wasn't quite sure.

Each inch of skin was touched, kissed, licked. Not a single inch was spared. Except the one place Karl desperately wanted Lawrence's lips. Front and back, head to toe, Karl's body was damp and boneless before Lawrence was finished. And then he jerked, eyes going wide, then tightly closing as a soft, wet tongue slid up the entire length of his erection. Fuckohjesusgodplease... Karl heard a whimper, realized it came from him just as Lawrence's lips closed around him, tongue flicking over the slit to lap the moisture pooled there. And that was it. Coherent thought went right out the window.

Hips bucked, hands tangled deep in midnight curls, and Karl let his head fall back, eyes still closed. Tight suction and wet heat enclosed him, drawing him in deep, moving over him in a languid pace. He was barely aware of the fresh scent of sandlewood that drifted to his nostrils, barely aware of anything but Lawrence's mouth around his cock. Then Lawrence started to hum, and Karl forgot everything except sheer sensations.

He tensed only once, when slick fingers probed at his entrance, gently pushing inside. It was more uncomfortable than painful, and, within minutes, even that passed as Lawrence continued to suck and lick. And...sweet Jesus! Karl's back arched, lifting off the bed, and he gasped loudly. What was... Lawrence's fingers brushed over that spot again, and Karl felt as if his very blood was on fire. All he could do was groan incoherently and thrust into Lawrence's welcoming mouth as those clever fingers rubbed over his prostate.

Color and light exploded behind Karl's eyes when Lawrence dragged his fingers over the bundle of nerves just as he did this...thing...with his tongue. Karl's thin hold on his control snapped, and he tumbled over the edge of the abyss, orgasm tearing through him, leaving him breathless and limp as he spilled down Lawrence's throat in hot bursts.

"Mmmm...delicious," Lawrence murmured, sliding back up Karl's body to cover him, press him into the mattress. His tongue parted Karl's lips, slid inside his mouth, and Karl could taste himself, smoky and dark, on Lawrence's tongue. And the taste thrilled him, sent a tiny shiver racing down his spine. Then, oil was poured in his hand, and his fingers were curled around Lawrence's cock.

Hesitant, Karl tightened his grip a little, smiled when Lawrence growled softly in his ear and bucked against his hand. More confident, he started to move, fist gliding slickly along Lawrence, speed increasing a little with each stroke. Just as he settled into a nice, easy rhythm, Lawrence's hand covered his.

Karl looked up, smiled at the sight of Lawrence - flushed, lips parted, eyes closed - and felt another thrill go through him at the realization that he could do this, that he could get this reaction from Lawrence.

Before he could think, before he could react, Lawrence's lips covered his in a kiss that stole breath and thought and set his heart to pounding in his chest. Hands raced over his skin, leaving more snapping, dancing sparks in their wake, then his legs were pushed up, apart, and Lawrence was between them. Karl immediately tensed at the first push, and Lawrence was there again, soothing with gentle kisses and touches.

Another push, insistent, demanding. Karl bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, knotted his hands in tangled silk. "Lawrence," he gasped, damp hair clinging to his forehead, "I've never..."

"I know," Lawrence whispered, eased back a little, slid his hands lightly along Karl's hips. "Relax." The word was barely more than a breath in Karl's ear as Lawrence shifted, began to push forward again. And this time, it didn't hurt quite so much. "Work with me."

And Karl tried. Each time he tensed, Lawrence's hands were there to steady, to stroke. One more small push, and Karl's eyes snapped open, feeling the first breach of his body. Another small push, and he felt Lawrence slide deeper inside, inch by slow inch. And, hurtburnedripped... But before he could tense again, before he could do more than just feel, Lawrence pushed forward, burying himself deep inside Karl's tight body, claiming his lips in a scorching kiss at the same time.

Karl had no idea how long they laid there like that - Lawrence deep inside him, kissing him, touching him with gentle hands. He felt the burning sting of his body stretching when Lawrence withdrew, then slid back in in one long, smooth stroke.

"Okay?" Lawrence's hands were soft on Karl's face, his lips delicate on Karl's collarbone. But he didn't stop moving, hips rocking slowly against Karl as he thrust into him. And Karl nodded.



Each slick thrust was designed to tease, to incinerate. Each wet kiss was designed to coax, to entice. The burning faded, replaced by honey sweet pleasure as Karl was filled over and over, lifting his hips to meet each thrust, forcing his eyes open to watch Lawrence's face.

Sweat slid down dark skin, dripped on to pale skin, dampened dark hair. And still Lawrence moved, still he rocked into Karl with slow, deep thrusts, still he bent his head to taste Karl's lips often. And Karl could feel the slow build, feel the tight coiling deep inside, feel it start to approach at the touch of strong fingers wrapping firmly around him to stroke. Hand and hips worked in unison, moving together, and Karl was lost. Lost and tumbling, mind shattering as he came, spilling over Lawrence's fingers with a hoarse cry, warm, sticky wetness splattering his stomach. And still Lawrence didn't stop. He continued to thrust, to move, used Karl's own come to slick him up, stroking him to hardness again.

Only then, when Karl was hard and aching, did Lawrence stop. And Karl stared. But Lawrence just kissed him, pulled out, rolled to his back. Karl opened his mouth to ask, then closed it when Lawrence tugged him over and sat up, swinging his legs off the edge of the bed.


"Shhh." Quiet rumble in his ear as Lawrence pulled him into his lap. Chest to back. Mirror in front of them. Oh...oh. "I want to watch." was it. Karl was going to die. But at least he was going to die happy. He leaned back, pulled his feet up to tuck them on either side of Lawrence's hip, watched as Lawrence spread his own legs, forcing Karl's further apart. Exposed. Open. Karl would be able to see everything like this. That thought had him biting back a moan as Lawrence shifted, cock nestling between Karl's cheeks.


Karl could only nod, eyes locked on the mirror, watching as Lawrence shifted, shifted Karl. Watching as Lawrence slid inside him, thick cock disappearing slowly inside his willing body. He did moan then, when Lawrence began to move, thrusting up.

"Fuck, you're beautiful..."

Karl could only nod again, eyes closing, head falling back on Lawrence's shoulder as one arm wrapped around his waist to steady him. His body rocked with each thrust that sank deep into tight flesh. One hand fell back to grasp Lawrence's hip, the other dropping to curl around his own cock, stroking it in time with Lawrence's thrusts. Karl could hear Lawrence's harsh breathing in his ear, hear the whispered encouragement as he pleasured himself, hips lifting to meet his fist, then pushing down to take Lawrence deep.


The soft command had Karl's eyes opening to look in the mirror. And the sight caused his heart to stutter, his breath to freeze in his lungs. Coffee and disappearing into cream...he stared in awe at the coffeeandcream perfection, at the haunting, erotic image of Lawrence's cock sliding in and out of his body as his own cock slid in and out of his hand. And he met Lawrence's eyes in the mirror, watched Lawrence watching him watching them. And he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he had never seen anything more exquisite, more perfect. And he wondered why he had waited so long.

His orgasm, when it came, rolled over him in a gentle wave that started at his toes and swept through his body. He slid into it, eyes open, watching as he spilled over his hand, spilled over Lawrence's hand where it covered his, watching still as Lawrence moved, in and out, thrusting, sliding, coffee sinking into cream. And he watched as Lawrence came, watched as coffee colored cheeks flushed, as cocoa eyes glazed over, as full, chocolate lips parted in a groan.



"Hmmm?" came the sleepy rumble from somewhere beside his ear.

Karl rolled to his side, eyes tracing the lines of Lawrence's face. "That wasn't an ancient Maori secret, was it?"

"Nope." One dark eye cracked open, twinkling just a little. And Karl would have sworn that Lawrence was laughing.

"Didn't think so."

"Did it work?"


Strong arms pulled Karl close, and warm lips nuzzled the soft skin below his jaw. Karl smiled when Lawrence rolled him to his back, following, covering Karl's body with his.

"Then that's all that matters."


character: lawrence makoare, character: karl urban, fic: lotrips, series: hedonism

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