Lotrips fics - 3/3, SB/OB, PG

Sep 02, 2007 18:27

Title: Daily News
Author: Jo
Pairing: Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom
Rating: PG
Prompt: tabloids
Disclaimer: Absolute, 100% fiction. I made up the whole thing.
Author's Notes: Written for azewewish, from this prompt request post.

Sean followed the smell of coffee and the sound of paper rattling. Bare feet padded over the carpet, and bleary eyes peered in Orlando's general direction. At least Sean hoped it was Orlando and not Viggo with one of his wild notions for a day trip.

But then, it was their kitchen and, last Sean knew, Viggo didn't have a copy of the new keys.

"Up early," Sean mumbled, voice still rough with sleep. He headed towards the coffee pot, on automatic as he pulled a mug from the cupboard.

"Mmm," was Orlando's only response. The paper rattled again.

Fortified with coffee, black and strong (he hoped), Sean turned to lean on the counter. And blinked. Orlando was reading the Sun.

"So who're you shagging this week?" he asked, unable to keep from being amused.

"What?" Dark eyes blinked, peering over the paper at Sean. "Oh, um, I'm just, y'know, looking at the photos."

"You hate the paparazzi," Sean pointed out, gleefully delighted with this turn of events.

"I, um, well…"

"Just admit you're a nosy little thing and like the gossip."

"I don't," Orlando sniffed, and vanished behind the paper again. "Shush, you," he grumbled, when Sean started laughing.

* * *

Title: Puppy Love
Author: Jo
Pairing: Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom
Rating: PG
Prompt: dogs
Disclaimer: Absolute, 100% fiction. I made up the whole thing.
Author's Notes: Written for azewewish, from this prompt request post.

"We should get a puppy."

Sean blinked, finding himself with a sudden lapful of Orlando. "What?"

"A puppy," Orlando repeated, wriggling around until he straddled Sean's thighs. Long fingers toyed with the buttons of Sean's shirt, slid up to link behind his neck. Dark eyes smiled.

A puppy? The hell? Sean scrambled, trying to remember if he'd agreed to something. It was never safe to assume around Orlando or to not really pay attention when Orlando was talking, but Sean had been doing just that, and now there they were.

"A puppy? You already have a dog," Sean pointed out, eying Sidi's black form sprawled on floor by the armchair.

"Yes, but you don't."

"Do I need one?" Always smart to ask questions, Sean thought, and make Orlando be precise.

"The girls would love one."

"They don't live with us."

"There was this adorable Lab puppy at the house down the road," Orlando continued, right over Sean's attempted protest. "Chocolate."

Was? Sean's nerves started to twitch at the idea. "Orlando, you didn't…"

"He'll be good for Sidi."

Good for…good Lord. Sean groaned as Orlando scrambled off to retrieve the puppy that Sean was sure was hidden in the spare room.

* * *

Title: Smoke
Author: Jo
Pairing: Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom
Rating: PG
Prompt: smoking
Disclaimer: Absolute, 100% fiction. I made up the whole thing.
Author's Notes: Written for azewewish, from this prompt request post.

"How do you do that?"

Cigarette halfway to his mouth, Sean stopped and looked at Orlando. "What?"


Confused, Sean peered at the lit end of the cigarette, then back at Orlando. "What about it?"

"How do you make it look sexy?" One hand flailed in a gesture that Sean assumed meant something. He didn't ask. "I just look like a prat."

"You don't," Sean said, with a chuckle. He reached out to grab the flailing arm. A quick tug had Orlando tumbling into his lap, cigarette deftly avoided. "Much better."

"I do," Orlando grumbled, and shifted until they were both comfortable. Not that Sean was ever not comfortable when he had a very naked Orlando pressed against him. "And it was a serious question."

"Orlando, you're naked."

"Well…yes." Brows wrinkling, Orlando looked at Sean. "You made sure of that earlier.

"And I am naked."

"Um, yes."

Smiling softly, thumb of his free hand smoothing out the little triangles that formed over the bridge of Orlando's nose, Sean leaned in to nuzzle Orlando's neck, teeth nipping at soft skin. "So why are we talking about smoking?"

"Because you," Orlando said, with a happy sigh, "are smoking hot."

Sean just laughed.

character: sean bean, character: orlando bloom, fic: lotrips

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