Drabbles for Brenda

Jan 05, 2007 16:12

Title: Florence
Author: Jo
Pairing: Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban (Claimed universe)
Rating: PG
Prompt: Italy
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

Moonlight filters through the window, silvers the muscled body sprawled on the bed as Karl turns to look. Shameless, Karl thinks, and smiles. But then, this is Harry. And if anyone has the right to be shameless, it's him.

Casually - perhaps too casually, if the way Harry is watching him is any indication, Karl strolls to the bed, stretches out beside Harry.

"What's on your mind, old man?"


"Right." Harry gives Karl a look, and Karl knows what it means. Knows Harry doesn't believe him at all.

"Tell me, puppy...have you ever wanted to see Florence in the spring?"


Title: Liquid
Author: Jo
Pairing: Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban
Rating: PG13
Prompt: showers
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

This is the best time of the day. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon. The rest of the world still sleeps. Everything is hazy, warm.

Harry's not quite awake, eyes still fuzzy with sleep, voice hoarse, body all limp and languid, but that's okay. Karl doesn't mind at all, not with the way Harry presses against him, all sleepy murmurs and lazy touches.

Warm water cascades down, sluices over tanned skin as they move. One hand shifts, slipslides over salt-and-pepper hair to curl around the back of Harry's skull. Soft lips part, graze over stubbled skin. Karl smiles.


Title: Shots
Author: Jo
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Christian Kane
Rating: PG
Prompt: devil
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"C'mon, son, you know you want to."

"No way." Jared eyed Christian, eyed the shot glass in his hand. There had been far too many shots, followed by far too many beers, and Jared had to concentrate to focus. If that concentration wavered for a second, there were three of Christian standing in front of him.

And each one, Jared knew, had something sneaky up the sleeve of that tattered, red-plaid shirt.

"No. Uh-uh."

"Just one more," Christian said, a wheedling note entering his voice, matching his smile, but at distinct odds with the demonic gleam in clear, blue eyes.


Title: Insight
Author: Jo
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Christian Kane (sort of), Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG
Prompt: revelation
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"You know what he wants, right?"

Jared looked up, wary, brown eyes narrowing as he peered at Jensen from beneath shaggy bangs. "What?"

Jensen rolled his eyes. "Chris." A slight pause. "You do know, right?"

"Yeah." Another pause. Jared chewed his bottom lip. " And I ain't interested."

"You..." Jensen blinked. Clearly, not the answer he'd expected. "Uh...maybe you don't know."

"No, I think I do."

"And you don't..."




"I'll be damned."

"Come again?"

"He thought you wanted more than a one-night stand."

"He..." Brown eyes met blue across the yard. Jared blinked. Son of a bitch...


Title: Grand Slam
Author: Jo
Pairing: Joaquin Phoenix/Orlando Bloom (LOTR Speakeasy AU)
Rating: PG
Prompt: laughter
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"Did you see? Did you?" Orlando practically bounces as he comes out of the locker room.

Joaquin laughs, steps in for a tight hug. "I saw, baby." Even if his Dodgers lost, it was worth it to see Orlando hit his first grand slam. At home, even. Joaquin couldn't ask for more.

"It was amazing, 'Quin! The second I hit it, I knew." He bounces again, grinning from ear to ear. "Hit for you."

"You did not."

"Did, too!" Orlando manages to look indignant for five seconds. Then he's laughing, too, as he presses a swift kiss to Joaquin's jaw.


Title: Faith
Author: Jo
Pairing: Joaquin Phoenix/Orlando Bloom (LOTR Speakeasy AU)
Rating: PG
Prompt: salvation
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"Do you have any idea how much you mean to me?" Joaquin's voice is soft, barely above a whisper. He'd speak louder, but Orlando is sleeping, looking so warm and innocent as he lies there, curled against Joaquin, dark curls splayed across his pillow.

It's been a year since that day. A year since a bullet made his world shatter. A year since Orlando had picked up the pieces and put them back together. Joaquin knows he would have been lost, would still be lost, if not for that unswerving love and faith.

He thanks God for that every day.


Title: Questions
Author: Jo
Pairing: David Boreanaz/Christian Kane
Rating: PG
Prompt: regret
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"What 'bout you?"

"Huh?" Christian looks up, tries to focus on Dave with eyes that are bloodshot and uncooperative. It takes him a minute to remember the original question. "Oh. Nah, man."

"Nothing at all?"

"Nope." He reaches over, pours another splash of whiskey into Dave's glass, raises his own. "Regret it more if I hadn't. Things I did versus the things I didn't, y'know."

"Right." Dave nods, trying to look sage and looking more owlish than anything. "So you made the right move then?"

"For me?" Christian nods, tosses back his drink, pours another. "Sure. For us? Who knows."


Title: Vacation
Author: Jo
Pairing: David Boreanaz/Christian Kane
Rating: PG
Prompt: kids
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"You know," Christian says, pushing his hat up, glancing over at Dave. "My sister's got two about his age."

"Yeah, you told me."

"Ever think about vacationing in Oklahoma?"

Dave blinks, then laughs. "That an offer?"

"Reckon it might be." Christian meets Dave's easy grin with one of his own. "Going for two weeks myself. Lots of room for kids to be kids, y'know."

"Not much room in L.A."

"New York, neither."

"True." Dave nods.

"So you'll come?" Christian tugs his hat back down, slouches in his chair.

"Sure, why not."

"Knew it," and Christian flashes him a smug grin.


Title: Girl Watching
Author: Jo
Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck
Rating: PG
Prompt: tits
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"How about those?"



"So, they look fake."

Ben gives Matt a look, shakes his head. "It matters?"

"If they look it," Matt shrugs, points. "Now those? Possibly fake, but damn nice."


"Yeah." Matt grins, winks, then points again. "Those, too. Not too big, not too small."

"Just right, huh?" Ben gives him another look.

"Oh, yeah." Matt holds up his hand, fingers spread. "The test, see, is whether or not they fill up your hand."

"If they don't?"

"Too small."

"And you can tell?" A skeptical look.

"Lots of practice." Matt leers, and Ben bursts out laughing.


Title: Hot Pants
Author: Jo
Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck
Rating: PG
Prompt: uniform
Author's Notes: For azewewish on the occasion of her birthday. Love you, cricket!

"Have I told you," Ben murmurs, stretching and kicking off the sheets, unmindful of his nudity, "how hot you look in those pants?"

"What?" Matt's voice is muffled by the pillow, but he doesn't lift his head. Too much effort.

"On the field."

At that, Matt's head pops up, and he stares at Ben. "You mean..."


"Pervert," Matt says, shaking his head and looking amused.

"Hey, you've got great thighs. And that ass..."

"Fuckin' pervert," Matt laughs.

"What can I say?" Ben smirks, stretches again, grin widening as Matt's eyes drop to his body. "You look hot in spandex."

character: christian kane, character: orlando bloom, series: claimed, character: karl urban, ! au fic, ! drabble, character: joaquin phoenix, character: jared padalecki, fic: nfl rps, character: matt hasselbeck, fic: lotr speakeasy, fic: cw rpf, fic: lotrips, character: harry sinclair, character: david boreanaz, character: ben roethlisberger

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