One prompt = one sentence

May 13, 2006 12:01

For without_me - prompt was 'intrinsic'
Christian/Steve sort of
Blunt fingers rest on strings, and there's a blinding smile when Christian looks over and smiles himself, realizing for the millionth time that that guitar looks far more right in Steve's hands than it ever has in his.

For killerweasel - prompt was 'kumquat'
WB RPS, Christian/David
There's a second, just before Christian bites down and bittersweetness coats his tongue, when he can still taste the salt from David's fingers pushing past his lips, still hear the low murmur of "try this" as his tongue curled over long fingers and spongy rind.

For ignipes - prompt was 'curmudgeon'
SPN gen
There are times when Dean looks at Sam and Sam looks at Dean, and they both wonder when they stopped talking to each other, when they got so stubborn and angry, when they got so old; then Dean cracks a joke, Sam ducks his head and grins, and it's back to business as usual while the resentment over this and that fades away.

For chrismm - prompt was 'fragmented'
WB RPS, Jensen/Jared, Jensen/Christian sort of
The light through the window is too bright, reflecting off the edges of Jensen's thoughts with a razor sharpness, and he comes with Jared's lips around his cock, but Christian's name on his lips.

For the_stowaway - prompt was 'rogue'
NFL RPS, Matt/Ben
Matt stands back, watches Ben ham it up for the cameras, and smiles as he thinks about what they'll be doing later, knowing it will get them blackballed if caught, but fuck it -- they've never been about playing by the rules, and he's not about to start now.

For lostjane - prompt was 'idiosyncratic'
WB RPS, Christian/Jensen
Christian watches Jensen, watches the way he smiles and moves and poses, sees the shiny varnish that L.A. has put on the kid, and he wonders if Jensen still likes salsa in his scrambled eggs, still likes wrestling in the grass until they both itch from head to toe, but most of all he wonders if Jensen still likes slow hand jobs in the back of his daddy's Chevy while the rain beats down on the car roof, and then Jensen smiles over at him and says "hey, you made it," and that lazy drawl is just like coming home.

For ink_stain - prompt was 'trespass'
WB RPS, Christian/Jared, Chad/Jared sort of
When Christian first steps inside the house, all he sees is Chad -- Chad's hand tangled in Jared's hair, Chad's lips on Jared's throat -- and then he sees Jared -- Jared shoving at Chad, frown out of place on a mouth made for smiling -- and then all Christian can see is red as he launches himself across the coffee table to reclaim what's his, Jensen's startled shout ringing in his ears.

For starrwisher - prompt was 'smoldering'
WB RPS, Christian/Jensen
Jensen watches Christian watching him, and that slow smile has his blood throbbing, making his skin itch in a pleasant, maddening way, and when Christian curls a hand around the back of his neck and murmurs "c'mon, son," Jensen knows it's just the beginning of a slow incineration that he craves more than oxygen.

For unholyglee - prompt was 'claxon'
Christian/Steve sort of
The alarm clock goes off, loud enough to wake the dead, and Steve is sure that the entire building hears it before he can fumble it into silence and roll over to look at Christian, who really can, apparently, sleep through anything after enough Jack.

For dellastarr - prompt was 'immersed'
LOTRiPS, Karl/Harry
Karl closes his eyes, lets the music wash over him, surround him, until he feels like he's drowning in the feel of it on his skin, and only then does he reach out to wrap one hand around Harry's bicep and tug him down for a lazy kiss that curls his toes and makes him smile.

For sweill - prompt was 'polyglot'
WB RPS, Christian/David
Christian had to learn Latin, David had to learn Korean, and sometimes they still use that knowledge, randomly rattling off words and half-remembered phrases when they're around each other, not caring the least that it makes them look a little crazy to the rest of the world.

For antheia - prompt was 'anthropomorphic'
WB RPF, Christian
On dark winter nights, Christian sits in front of the television, his cats curled up in his lap, and he talks to them, nodding when they talk back, smiling when cold noses touch his cheek in an almost kiss, laughing when they both look up at a quiet noise before scrambling off with all the curiosity of a three year old.

For wendyr - prompt was 'jabberwocky'
Viggo traces his fingers over the book cover, idly flips it open, rifling through the pages until he comes to the poem that he can never seem to fully forget, and he stares at, trying to remember when Henry grew up and "Alice in Wonderland" became just another children's story.

character: christian kane, character: karl urban, character: sam winchester, ! gen fic, character: jared padalecki, character: jensen ackles, fic: nfl rps, character: matt hasselbeck, fic: supernatural, fic: cw rpf, character: dean winchester, fic: lotrips, character: viggo mortensen, character: david boreanaz, character: steve carlson, character: harry sinclair, character: ben roethlisberger, fic: kane rps, ! one prompt = one sentence

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