Jan 14, 2005 11:55
i miss you already and you arent even gone yet....
- havent been in school since tuesday because i have god knows what...
- bought mean girls and dodgeball on dvd. that makes me happy...
- havent seen VJ since tuesday. that makes me sad...
oh and depaul catholic highschool is brillant might i add, our tution for next year went up praticaly $1,000. and why the fuck do we need those gay labtops...no one uses them as it is now, so why make everyone get them??? and why is tution going up!? depaul isnt even THAT nice...(well compared to valley it is)
my mom read my autobiography for creative writing (which i didnt want her to read because i knew EXACTLY what she was going to say) and go figure she said the exact words i was expecting "thats not really you, i know who you REALLY are". uhh no you really dont mom. because if you really knew me, you would see how unhappy i was with myself. and did she notice how in the book i kept mentioning how i really wanted my mom to see who KRISTEN was? ... nope of course not
and then she went on to tell me thats its okay that i listen to the music i do, but she dosent want me to dress like that because "when i was a kid, i always wore dresses and bows!"
gjkfd;zghliggfd. she makes me angry.
boyfriend is going away this weekend, and its our 1 month anniversary. *tear*
oh well. back to being "sick"
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