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May 01, 2005 18:46

went down to yonkers friday.i went to the movies with john jayjayand mike.we saw amittyville horror.it was funny.jayjay john and mike were scared.hehe.it was a cool movie.i wanna see it again.
we all got bak to the house late.me and jayjay passed out on the sofa.

we went to go get pizza.then we went to joshs house for awhile.after that we went bak to cross county.but jayjay got mad about something so i went to circuit city while her and josh talked.amanda came with me.after that we went to laurens house.i saw lauren!^.^!we played hack while we were there.yea...i suck.lol.ohhh.amanda kapt calling me a wigger!-.-....i not a wigger......
after dinner was fun.i pierced johns ear.then i made him look like the crow.^.^.hehehehehe.it was cool.he looked cute.it was funny wen he saw himself in the mirror.haha.he didnt really look like john ne more.he wanted me to have black lipstick on to so he kissed me.came out crookit though.lol.after that my mom came to get me.we went to the bronx.
she was hungry so we stopped at a diner.she sed she would take me to see yamilet afterwards.i thought it would b better that way ne way.i wasent plannin to argue about it.atleast we would go.

yamilet was actually home this time.^.^ i got to see her ^.^.yay!it was a little wierd though.seein her.she looked alittle shorter to me.she kept smilimg at me.i wonder if i blushed atall.idunno.i was kinda tired.
i really missed her.i still do.while i was there and while she was talkin to me i was thinkin about all the times that we were together.wen we were in scool.chillin at me house.or me jus walkin her home after scool.surprised i didnt start tearin up.i usually do.
ne ways.me and her jus talked for awhile.she did most of the talkin though.i didnt care.i was interested.but then my mom started honkin the horn.and yamilet was like thats ur mom.but i didnt move.se jus stood there a few minutes longer talkin.but then she was like ur moms waitin lets go. so i jus went this time.my mom invited her to our barbeque. i had to ask her for a hug b4 i left though.she never was big on givin me hugs.
afte that we left.but we were drivin around for awhile.we stopped to see carina.i gave her my lighter case since i "lost"the one i got her.(let me no wen u find it jayjay)
so now im here...my mom jus woke up.she sed we had shit to do today.im sumwut up for it.since theres nothin else to do.so imma go..later
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