{buffyverse} devil's advocate

Dec 04, 2010 20:46

Title: Devil’s Advocate
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel
Pairing/Characters: Willow Rosenberg/Lilah Morgan
Rating: FRM
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for round 43 at femslash_minis for snogged who wanted to see the pairing along with Wolfram & Hart, panties and lawyer humor.
Notes: Set during Season Five.
Summary: Willow makes the deal with the devil to help her friends.
Word Count: 941

Before she had left Sunnydale, Xander had told her a stupid joke about a lawyer who’s given an offer by the devil: the lawyer would be exceptionally successful as long as he sold the souls of his wife and children to the devil and of course the lawyer was intrigued but wanted to know what the catch was. At the time, Willow had laughed and then she and Xander had told as many lawyers jokes to one another. Silly little jokes like how lawyers it took to screw in a light bulb (three) and why sharks won’t eat lawyers (professional courtesy) but as she enters the lobby of Wolfram and Hart, the one joke that remains is the first one that Xander told her. And its not really funny anymore because as she looks around, Willow knows that these people would do more than just sell the souls of their family, no doubt several of them already have.

Willow squares her shoulders and she straightens the skirt that she had borrowed from Buffy’s closet before marching over to the elevator. She puts on her resolve face as Xander would call it and acts as if she has every right to be there at Wolfram and Hart. She tries her best to not think about what would happen if she’s found out but on the elevator ride up, Willow can’t help but think of all the horrible things that might happen to her if someone finds her out.

When the elevator stops on her floor Willow steps out of the elevator and tries not to catch the eye of anyone as she walks along a hallway with a plush carpet. When she reaches her destination, Willow hesitates before throwing open the door. Instead of shocking the occupant, Willow is dismayed to realize that she’s been expected.

“Well if it is Willow Rosenberg,” Lilah says with a razor-sharp smile. “Please have a seat.”

Willow swallows thickly as she gracelessly sinks into the offered seat. She shakes her head when Lilah offers her a beverage. Lilah arches an eyebrow at Willow as she crosses her legs and expectantly waits.

“Uh, I came here because, uh, I just though that uh well…”

Lilah cuts her off before Willow can stammer anymore and the redhead blushes in embarrassment. She really shouldn’t have come here.

“I’m sure that you’ve heard of the expression that time is money, so let’s stop wasting it, shall we? It’s not as if we’re strangers, are we?”

“No,” Willow replies.

“Of course not, I personally visited you to offer you a position with Wolfram and Hart a few years ago, one that you turned down and now you’re here, hat in hand, begging for help. What makes you think that Wolfram and Hart would help you after you turned us down?”

“There’s nowhere else that I could go,” Willow admits.

“And why should Wolfram and Hart care about the custody of one Dawn Summers? Word is it that she’s a key that doesn’t open any locks anymore,” Lilah says, her tone bored.

Willow stands up and walks to the door. She stills with her hand on the knob before she turns back and faces Lilah.

“I am not here to ask Wolfram and Hart to help me out, I am asking you Lilah. And I think that we can come to an agreement of sorts.”

Lilah arches her eyebrow again and waves her hand for Willow to continue. Willow thinks about Spike’s pep talk from earlier and about how it won’t help her to stammer or blush, if she wants this woman to do her bidding then she has to act as tough as Lilah is. Willow marches forward and she leans over Lilah’s desk, placing her palms flat on the surface.

“I seem to remember that you made several offers of enticement back when you tried to recruit me about how I could be free to be me and that I wouldn’t be stymied under the weight of disapproval like I was back home. I seem to recollect that you were willing to personally take me under your wing, Lilah, something that you don’t really do. Was I wrong?”

Lilah swallows before answering, “No, you weren’t.”

Willow leans further forward and cups Lilah’s jaw. “I didn’t think so.”

Somehow they wind up atop of Lilah’s desk, Willow’s writhing on the surface as Lilah’s tongue does wicked things to her body and she slips her hand into Lilah’s silken panties. Lilah moans when Willow curves her fingers. It doesn’t take either of them very long to find completion with one another.

“If I do this for you, don’t think that you can just come to me anytime you run afoul and need a lawyer,” Lilah spits out. “You’re not that good.”

“Trust me, I’d rather not be here in the first place.”

”Fine, you can fax me the details tomorrow morning.”

Willow makes to sit up but Lilah’s hand on her stomach pushes her down.

“I didn’t say we were quite done, after all, how else do you expect to afford my fees?”

Willow flushes as Lilah’s tongue dips into her belly button. She thinks that she should be offended by Lilah’s last statement but she can’t seem to take offense when Lilah’s mouth and tongue are moving along her body creating a delicious ache in her body. She decides to worry about it later when she’s back at home and everyone wants to know how the visit went. Right now, Willow decides to concentrate on how Lilah’s making her feel and seeing if she can make Lilah feel the same way.


community: femslash_minis, character: lilah morgan, pairing: willow/lilah, length: ficlet, character: willow rosenberg, fandom: buffyverse

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