{dollhouse} identity confusion

Nov 21, 2010 20:43

Title: Identity Confusion
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Dollhouse
Pairing/Characters: Sierra/Adelle, Pryia/Adelle
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Dollhouse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for round 42 at femslash_minis for voleuse who wanted Sierra/Adelle, the world of “Epitaph Two,” placeholders and shotguns.
Notes: Set just before “Epitaph Two” starts.
Summary: What Adelle and Pryia have is complicated by Sierra.
Word Count: 877

Pryia follows Adelle into the basement of the house and she nods at the older woman before she sinks into the chair that Topher had built. It’s the dirty little secret of Safe Haven. Only a handful of people know about it but the chair serves an important purpose. Pryia grimaces just before Adelle hits the buttons that trigger the machine and thirty seconds later, Sierra is slinking out of the chair. She walks up to Adelle and embraces the older woman before kissing her. Adelle gently pushes her away.

“It’s not right,” Adelle calmly states.

“She remembers you know, I don’t think she minds,” Sierra says as she runs a hand along Adelle’s arm.

“It’s one thing for Pryia to know but unless she tells me that she wants this,” Adelle says as she waves a hand between them. “Then it’s a no-go.”

Sierra sighs as she changes into the clothes that are set on the bench, she smirks as Adelle stands there but refuses to turn around. It’s a game that they’ve played the last few times that Sierra’s been brought out; one that Sierra enjoys playing. Sooner or later, she knows that she’ll weaken Adelle’s resolve just enough to have her underneath her, moaning in desire.

“Fine, have it your way but I think Pryia gets off on it. She’s not in control so she can tell Anthony if he ever comes around that it wasn’t her choice. That it was all me.”

“Enough, Sierra, that isn’t why you were woken up,” Adelle says in a firm voice, her accent hardening.

“Then what do you want?”

Adelle explains the situation as Sierra follows her up from the basement. The blonde walks to the cabinet that contains their weapons and pulls out two shotguns. She hands one to Adelle along with a box of shells.

“You’re coming with me,” Sierra plainly states.

“But who will stay here?” Adelle asks.

“Doesn’t really matter to me, the sooner I get my job done, the sooner you can have Pryia back.”

“Sierra please understand that I can’t play these games, not anymore, not ever again,” Adelle tells her.

Sierra shrugs her shoulder before leading the way. They have a mission to complete and right now isn’t the time to talk about getting naked or about whatever it is they have between them. Maybe later, maybe if Pryia ever decides to tell Adelle how much she’s actually there and how much she actually enjoys being with Adelle. Then again Sierra doesn’t think that Adelle could ever begin to understand just how fractured she is, just how fractured even Echo is. There’s too many voices stuck in their heads and the imprint chair just helps to bring one of them to the forefront.

* * *

Their mission is a simple one, while Paul and Echo are off playing heroes in an attempt to rescue Topher, Sierra and Adelle are off attacking a supply caravan. It’s a small one but it’ll bring them some necessities that their little community is running low on. Echo might be the leader of them all but its Adelle and Sierra (and Pryia when she’s in control) who actually run their small town. Not that anyone outside of Echo and Paul know that. Still Sierra would rather Echo be the hero instead of her and she thinks that Adelle feels the same way. They’re just placeholders in everyone else’s eyes and it allows them to ensure that their small town is safe.

The caravan of three vans is easy to bring down; the drivers are expecting Echo or a small army. It allows Sierra to trick them with a simple ruse. By the time the drivers realize what’s going on, it’s too late. They’re tied up and left in one of the vans while Adelle and Sierra bring two of the vans to an abandoned farm where they can pick through the supplies and take what they need in their own vehicle. Sierra is on alert for any threats.

* * *

Pryia sits up in the chair and she sits there as she watches Adelle for a moment. She feels like she should say something but she’s not sure what she should say. So she stands up and brushes her hand against Adelle’s. It’s easier sometimes when she’s Sierra because Sierra seems to be able to go with the flow whereas Pryia feels far too damaged by everything that’s ever happened to her.

Adelle turns to her with surprise in her eyes. Before she can say anything, Pyria gently cups her jaw and brushes her lips against Adelle’s. The older woman’s eyes widen before her hands come to rest on Pryia’s hips and she deepens the kiss. When they pull apart, Adelle still holds on to her.

“Are you sure, Pryia?” Adelle asks.

Pryia nods and pushes Adelle against the bench and kisses her harder than before. She knows the feels of Adelle’s lips under her own but at the same time she doesn’t. Pryia can’t explain it and she’s too busy caught up in the taste and feel of Adelle to really care. Later she might try to explain it all to Adelle but for now, she’s content to loose herself in Adelle.


community: femslash_minis, pairing: adelle/sierra, character: adelle, length: ficlet, fandom: dollhouse, character: sierra

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