{buffyverse} nothing is at it appears to be

Nov 06, 2010 23:53

Title: Nothing Is As It Appears To Be
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane, Buffy Summers, Angelus (mentions of Faith/Buffy, Faith/Angelus, Buffy/Angel)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for 2x5obsessions for the prompt of “a cruel illusion” and for day six at mini_nanowrimo where I signed up to write 250 words a day.
Notes: Set during BtVS Season Seven and ATS Season Four.
Summary: Buffy learns the hard way that nothing is as it appears to be.
Word Count: 467

Buffy can’t help but notice that Faith’s lips are stained a peculiar shade of crimson. There’s something off with the picture in front of her but she can’t quite put her finger on it. Before she can think more on what is wrong, Faith is upon her. Her arms entwined around Buffy’s body, her lips upon her mouth and then her tongue is dragging along her neck, causing Buffy to shiver. Just as Buffy thinks that Faith is going to do something more than kiss her, a voice interrupts them, a voice that freezes Faith.

“Didn’t I tell you to wait for me love?”

Buffy’s head snaps up and she sees Angelus as he approaches them and suddenly everything is clear. The panicked phone call from Los Angeles that she had ignored because her plate was too full with Potentials and the First. Angelus chuckles as Faith steps backwards, eyes cast down. Angelus’ arms wrap around Faith and he forces her chin upwards, Buffy’s lips tighten into a moue of discontent.

“Isn’t she lovely?” Angelus asks.

Buffy can’t help the rush of pity that floods her at the sight of the once-proud Faith standing before, ashamed and humiliated simply by Angelus’ actions.

“I haven’t turned her yet, not sure if I will,” Angelus says as he strokes the side of Faith’s face. “She’s so hot for me as is, not sure if I should waste a lovely gift such as eternity on her.”

Faith’s eyes lock with her own and there’s a plea in there that Buffy can read plainly, it causes the blonde to take a step forward. She halts when Angelus’ hands tighten around Faith’s neck.

“I wouldn’t advise you to play the hero Buffy, after all its just Faith.”

His mocking tone causes Buffy to square her shoulders before she takes a determined step forward. With another step, Angelus’ grip around Faith’s neck is even tighter but it doesn’t stop Buffy from pulling out the stake.

“You’d rather save Faith over me?” Angelus asks in disbelief. “If you kill me, you’ll lose Angel forever. If you kill Faith, well then another Slayer gets called before. Perhaps one who’ll be a little less slutty than Faith.”

“Shut up Angelus,” Buffy spits out.

Faith crumples to the ground as Angelus snarls. The vampire shoots forward and has Buffy pinned to the wall quickly that the stake clatters to the ground. Buffy struggles but Angelus is stronger than her and she can’t quite find the purchase that she needs to shove him off. He growls in her ear but it’s Faith’s mocking laughter than holds her still this time.

“I told you lover that it’d be an easy game to play,” Faith says before her face shifts into the vampiric visage. “Make sure you save me some.”


pairing: faith/angel(us), pairing: angel(us)/buffy, community: 2x5obsessions, character: buffy summers, character: angel(us), fandom: buffyverse, community: mini_nanowrimo, pairing: faith/buffy, length: drabble, character: faith lehane

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