{btvs} running away

Nov 06, 2010 20:37

Title: Running Away
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for day 4 at mini_nanowrimo where I signed up to write 250 words a day.
Notes: AU piece set after Season Seven with vague spoilers for the Season Eight comics.
Summary: Running away is the best thing that Faith does.
Word Count: 276

There are only three things that Faith takes when she finally has enough of the new Watcher’s Council and she walks out: her knife, the clothes on her back and her motorcycle. Everything else she leaves behind without a regret. And climbing on her motorcycle and feeling the raw power of it between her legs, Faith can already feel the regrets of having worked with the Council for as long as she has already begin to fade away.

As the miles grow between her and Cleveland, Faith realizes that she was never a good fit with the Council. Either Councils really and she wonders how Buffy can even stomach heading a Council that still cares less about the actual foot soldiers than it does the higher ups. A bitter laugh is torn from her throat and lost to the night. She pushes those thoughts away and focuses on the road and the feel of the motorcycle.

Several miles later, Faith wonders where she’ll go. The thought of finding Angel comes to the forefront. And she wonders if he’d be interested in seeing her after all these years but the decision is something she puts off. Right now, she just wants to focus on the empty road and the sensation that any moment now if she pushes the bike faster, she’ll take off in flight. It’s easier than trying to figure out what her future holds and where she’ll go. Right now there’s a nebulous idea in her head of heading east towards Miami and trying her luck out there.

And for now it’s the best idea she’s had since she first left the house in Cleveland.


community: mini_nanowrimo, length: drabble, genre: gen!fic, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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