{supernatural} red traffic lights

Sep 06, 2010 23:56

Title: Red Traffic Lights
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: Written for the VRD challenge at 5_prompts for this picture.
Notes: Set pre-series.
Summary: He hates driving late at night.
Word Count: 205

The traffic light turns red just as the car reaches the intersection, the red light seems to glow in the night. Dean shifts in his seat, waiting for the light to change from red to green so that he can be on his way. It feels as if he’s already been driving for a million miles and that he has a million more to go. He hates driving late at night but there’s nothing to be done about it. His father had ordered him to meet him in twelve hours at Bobby’s house and to be there on time Dean will have to drive throughout the night.

When the light changes from green, Dean moves his foot off of the break and onto the gas. In that moment as his car shoots forward, Dean realizes that he’s jealous of Sam who got to break free of this insane lifestyle and be something else than a hunter who has no real home but their vehicle as they go from one place to another hunting the monsters that most people don’t believe in.

At the next red light, Dean turns on his radio and cranks it loud. He’d rather listen to anything but his thoughts right now.


length: drabble, fandom: supernatural, character: dean winchester, community: 5_prompts, genre: gen!fic

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