{the lost boys} five times star fought with david and one time she didn't

Jul 13, 2010 22:56

Title: Five Times Star Fought with David and One Time She Didn’t
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Pairing/Characters: Star/David, implied Star/Michael
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Lost Boys belong to Joel Shumacher and company.
Prompts: Written for Fest 07 at smallfandomfest for the prompt of “five times they (Star/David) fought.”
Notes: Spoilers for the whole movie.
Summary: Five different arguments that Star and David have.
Word Count: 2171


When he brings Laddie to the cave, Star is furious. In her eyes, Laddie is just a child, an innocent victim to David’s depravity. In her righteous anger, she sees the boy as merely a pawn in David’s never-ending games. For too long, Star has resisted, David’s desires and now he has brought a child to push her into capitulation. Yet that night, as she watches from the shadow too furious to do anything to stop David, she notices that David doesn’t give the boy any of the wine laced with his intoxicating blood.

“Why David?” Star hisses at him.

David simply shrugs in response as he gently lays the sleeping boy down in her bed. She grabs at his arm, trying to force his answer, even when she knows she can’t force David to do anything he doesn’t want to. It’s not even a question of strength. However she can always get a reaction out of him and this time is no different when he turns and snarls at her. All of his early gentleness erased.

“He’s just a child,” Star proclaims. “Not a pawn for you to use in order to manipulate me.”

“Not everything is ‘bout you,” David spits out.

“Then what is he? Is a meal? A midnight snack?”

The words are cruel and David’s eyes flash with an unholy fury as he grabs her by the arm, his fingers biting into her tender flesh as he drags her away from the child. The others watch in silence, unwilling to lift a finger to help her.

“As you said Star, he’s simply a child. I would have thought that you would have applauded me for providing him with shelter from the streets.”

He glares at her, his fingers still curled around her bicep in a bruising grip. Star shivers, terrified that she might have pushed him too far this time, especially since the others seem to have disappeared. Before she can even respond, David is speaking again.

“It’s one of the coldest nights out there this winter, should I have left him out there to die?”

Star shakes her head in response.

“Do you think me that cruel to turn a child? To drink down his life’s blood in a ploy to convince you to finally accept what you are?”

The realization hits her with his words. David knows her far too well to use a child to manipulate her. Yet there’s a hint of dishonest in his words that she doesn’t dare call him on. David finally releases her with a slight shove and she falls to the floor. He stares down at her as she cowers on the floor.

“You’d do well not to push me too far,” David tells her.

Three nights later, Star discovers that Laddie is just like her but not because of David. Laddie only has vague memories of a man who gave him cherry-red and sickly-sweet juice that made his stomach hurt before David was there and brought him to her. Star’s not sure what to believe because David hides so many things from her. However, Laddie somehow manages to burrow his way into all of their lives until he’s just one of them.


“I don’t like the way that he was looking at you.”

The words are quiet but full of a dark anger. Star shivers as David grips her tightly. This possessive and jealous side of him is new to her.

“It was nothing,” Star protests.

“Nothing?” David asks with a growl as he moves to grip her arms. “It didn’t look like nothing when you were fucking him with your eyes.”

He gives her a shake and she remains silent, even when he throws her onto his bed. The others are gone; somewhere out on the moonlit beach raising havoc without David. Right now it’s just her and David in the cave, alone with the crushing weight of David’s anger and jealousy. He rips open her shirt as he growls deep in his throat and something breaks in her.

“It was nothing,” Star spits out.

“Then why don’t you prove it to me?” David asks, his fangs extended.

“There’s nothing to prove,” Star tells him.

“Make him your first,” David whispers against her skin, the sharp tips of his fangs slightly scratching her.


David growls again but stands up this time. She’s tired of this fight. Every single night, he finds someone that he wants her to make his victim and she’s just not ready. Even though she’s not sure what she’s waiting for. Star slowly pulls her shirt closed with a sigh as she sits up.

“I’m tired of all of your little games, Star,” David tells her.

“I’m afraid,” Star replies.

“You’re not afraid.”

The response is coldly delivered and Star can’t put into words how there really is apart of her that’s afraid of that moment of when she finally gives in to the growing need in her, when she finally lets go of the last threads of her humanity. Yet she doesn’t want to lose David.

“Yes, I am.”

“This isn’t about fear, this is about you playing your games so that you can manipulate me into doing whatever you want me to do.”

Before she can answer him, David has her pinned to the bed, his heavy weight pressing into her, pressing her down into the soft mattress of the bower that he and the boys had made for her. She struggles in his grip but it’s impossible to move him. He leans down and bites her right breast making her cry out. The pain is sharp and fleeting.

Two days later, the pretty boy that had captured David’s jealousy is lying dead and drained in her bed. A ghoulish present from David that Dwayne helps her to remove. The corpse serves as a grim reminder that David won’t wait forever for her to make up her mind. And she realize much later when she’s at an all-night Laundromat washing her sheets, that she’s not afraid of losing her humanity. She’s afraid of becoming just like David and enjoying it.


“How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t run away from me? You’re mine and you’ll always be mine,” David tells her.

“I don’t want this anymore,” Star replies.

Her protests don’t stop him from gently pressing her down on the bed or from kissing her just as gently. She shudders under his weight and she’s not sure if it feels good or bad.

“You can’t go back to this.”

“Why not?”

He doesn’t answer her; instead he licks the side of her neck. The feel of his tongue dragging along the vein makes her wet. Even though they both know that he’s aware of her arousal, he doesn’t use it against her.

“Baby, this life isn’t you anymore.”

“And some filthy cave is?”

Her hand slips underneath the thin cotton of his t-shirt and he groans at the contact of her warm hand on his cool skin. He rests his head against the curve of her shoulder, just holding her.

“You’re beyond this, you belong with us, with me,” David whispers.

“I don’t want it, you or the others,” Star coldly tells him.

She suddenly pushes him away and David lets her do so. They both know that he’s allowed her the upper hand and she hates him for it. She’s stuck in a twilight world between living and death.

“Star,” David softly says.

“No!” Star shouts, “I don’t want you and I’m not going back this time.”

She’s angry with him for being so gentle with her instead of taking the upper hand that they both know he has. He doesn’t need soft touches or gentle words to make her do anything not when he can just force her to do whatever he wants her to do. And every single day, he’s never once forced her decision. After she drunk the wine laced with blood, he’s allowed her to set the pace. Even during their fights, it’s always been her who’s set the tone. She’s tired of his kindness, his patience and his gentle treatment of her. He was never like this with the boys.

David sadly shrugs his shoulders in response to her outburst. She hates that he’s not being smug right now because they both know that she can’t live like this no matter what she wants. She wants David to hurt like she does. Before she knows it, her hand has connected with the side of his face. Yet he doesn’t stop her as she hits him over and over again with ineffectual blows that will probably hurt her more than they do him.

Later when he leaves her alone in the seedy LA motel that she has run away to, the one that she always runs to, Star breaks down into sobs, because she knows, just like he does, that she’ll return to Santa Carla and to him because she doesn’t fit in anywhere else.


They’ve always fought over pretty boys and girls on the boardwalk of Santa Carla. It’s just what they do. David’s always quick to use his jealousy to have her prove her loyalty to her. He never forces her but the words are always the same. It’s a meaningless dance that they dance in an attempt to while away the endless hours of eternity, although she’s not quite there yet. Still not ready to take the last step that will turn her from human to vampire.

This time there’s a different feel about it. This time the boy in question is someone that Star actually feels something for. And this time David’s accusations hit close to him.

“I don’t like the way that you were looking at him,” David says.

“It was nothing.”

“You were going to go off with him, how can that be nothing?”

“It was harmless?”

“Were you going to make him your first?” David sneers.

She’s not sure of the answer to that question, maybe if David hadn’t shown up, she would have. There’s something about Michael’s eyes that make her want to drown in them.

“Stay away from him, Star.”

The command is soft and silky but she knows there’s something more in it than just his normal jealousy.

“I’ll do what I want,” Star defiantly tells him.

“You go near that boy again and you’ll regret it.”

“You don’t own me David, you never have and you never will.”

He leans into kiss her and she doesn’t push him away, even when he bits her lower lip with his fangs. The kiss hurts and it tastes of blood but she still doesn’t push him away. It’s David who pulls away first and Star feels like she’s won a small victory from him.

“Stay away from him,” David grinds out, her blood on his lips.

“Make me,” Star tells him.


She knows that she can’t compete with him physically, not even with the rage and blood lust that’s coursing through her veins. She wants to tear him down piece by piece and destroy him for good. It doesn’t matter that he’ll always be stronger than her until she accepts the destiny he’s been trying to give to her for a year now.

David laughs at her and the sound of his mirth is foreign to her ears since his elongated fangs muffle it. The laugh spurs her on and even though he swats her aside as if she’s nothing more than a rag doll, it doesn’t stop her.

She’s made her choice, rejected the promise of immortality in favour of Michael. And now she’s going to take her humanity back by force if she has to.

It’s not the blows that he reigns down on her that hurt, it’s the fact that she has to give him up when it’s all said and done. However it doesn’t stop her from fighting him with everything she has. Her decision’s been made and now she has to stick with it.


It’s over, all of the vampires have been destroyed and Michael, Laddie and Star have all gone back to normal. The house is a mess but they’re all alive, even the annoying Frog brothers, who probably would have killed the three half vampires if given a chance.

As dawn paints the sky red and gold and pink, Star realizes that it’s over for once and for all. There’ll be no more fights with David, just a sweet, boring life with Michael without danger or fear or pain. Michael smiles at her and she can’t feel regret in that moment.

The regret will come later, when David invades her dreams, mocking her for being so weak, for being so childish, for being so stupid. Star sighs as Michael hugs and she knows that she’ll have to pretend that this is what she always wanted and that she never ever wanted the darkness that David offered her with both hands.


fandom: the lost boys, character: star, character: michael emerson, community: smallfandomfest, pairing: michael/star, pairing: david/star, character: david, length: 1000-5000 words

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