{btvs} impractical magic

Jul 10, 2010 18:30

Title: Impractical Magic
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Willow Rosenberg/Cordelia Chase
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for the bonus round at femslash_minis for the following prompt: Willow/Cordelia - a spell gone wrong
Notes: Set sometime during the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: Her voice comes out all breathy and anything but commanding.
Word Count: 506

Willow wasn’t quite sure what to do.

It had all started out simple enough: Giles had given her a simple spell to cast to test her abilities. He had told her that knowing the actual language wasn’t that important that all she needed to do was properly pronounce the words. Giles had even given her a copy of the spell with the pronunciation of each word spelled out for her. However as Willow assessed the situation, she realized that either Giles had given her the wrong spell or she had butchered one of the archaic words. Since she didn’t want to think that Giles just happened to have a lust spell lying around, Willow was betting on the possibility that she had said something incorrectly.


Cordelia’s soft whine interrupted Willow’s train of thought and the redhead turned towards Cordelia. For a moment, Willow stood there, her mouth slightly open as she rapidly blinked at the sight of Cordelia naked.

“Cordy put your clothes back on.”

Willow tries to sound stern, like what she thinks Giles would if he was standing in the library with a naked cheerleader locked up in the book cage. Yet her voice comes out all breathy and anything but commanding.

“I don’t want to,” Cordelia tells her. “I want to come out and play.”

Willow shivers at the seductive words and it takes everything in her to not go over to the book cage, insert the key in the lock and release Cordelia. The only thing that actually stops her is the fact that once the spell has worn off; she knows that Cordelia will slaughter her. As it is, she’s already worried about what Cordelia will do once she’s no longer under this spell. (Willow’s starting to hope that Giles gave her the wrong spell, then at the very least Cordelia’s ire won’t be solely directed on her.)

“Cordy, please put your clothes back on, this isn’t really you,” Willow pleads.

Cordelia simply pouts in response and presses herself up against the bars of the book cage and Willow’s knees suddenly become weak.

“I’ll put my clothes on if you give me a kiss,” Cordelia promises.

Willow sets the key down on the table and slowly moves forward. Everything in her head is screaming that this is very wrong. But if it’ll get Cordelia to put her clothes on then it’s worth whatever Cordelia will do to her later.
It’s awkward kissing Cordelia through the cage but she somehow manages it, after all Willow doesn’t trust Cordelia in her current state.

The kiss is amazing, even with the cage cutting into her face and hands. Willow makes a soft whine when Cordelia gently nips at her lower lip. Even though she doesn’t want to stop, Willow still pulls back and she looks at the ground, unable to look Cordelia in the eye. She wants the other girl badly but not in this state where her arousal is only due to a spell that’s backfired.

“Get dressed, Cordy,” Willow softly commands.


character: cordelia chase, community: femslash_minis, length: ficlet, pairing: cordelia/willow, character: willow rosenberg, fandom: buffyverse

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