[supernatural] escape, gen!fic

Nov 22, 2007 05:16

Title: Escape
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: Written for spn_thur_night for blue_icy_rose who wanted it set Season One (The Benders) with shock, quiet, and cold.
Notes: Set just after 1x15 “The Benders.”
Summary: It’s a long walk back to the Impala.
Word Count: 205

It’s a long and cold walk back to the Impala, even if Dean hadn’t been injured. As it is, they’re moving slower than normal, causing Sam to take stock of Dean every so often to ensure that he’s not going into shock. Dean stays quiet even though he finds the constant interruptions annoying, especially since he wants nothing better to get into the Impala and drive as far away as possible from this place.

He’s not quite sure what horrified him more: the fact that a bunch of hilly billys had started playing their own possibly cannibalistic version of The Most Dangerous Game or that the youngest member of the family had looked at him with the hungriest eyes he’d ever seen. If she had been given even half of a chance, she would have killed him without any remorse just because it was something fun to do.

Dean shivers against the thought causing Sam to stop to make sure that he’s okay. Dean impatiently pushes Sam away and keeps walking. The thought of that girl and how close she came to cutting him makes him walker faster and strengthens his resolve to put as many miles as he can between himself and this town.


fandom: supernatural, character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester

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