Title: Illusory Reality
aaronlisaFandom: Dollhouse
Pairing/Characters: Topher, Echo, Sierra (very lightly implied Echo/Sierra)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Dollhouse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
dollhouse100 - prompt #2 (illusion)
Notes: Set up to and after episode 2x04.
Word Count: 100
Topher finds it perplexing when he watches how Echo and Sierra interact with one another. There is a closeness and a bond between the two that he can’t seem to sever no matter how many times he tries to wipe them clean and to remove those feelings; they’re still there. It doesn’t matter that those feelings started out as an elaborate illusion from when Echo has had to take care of Sierra on a shared engagement. The illusion has become a reality and no matter what he tries to do, the two actives always seem to gravitate towards one another.