[dark angel] the price of command

Jul 13, 2009 20:21

Title: The Price of Command
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Dark Angel
Pairing/Characters: Max Guevara, Alec McDowell
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee and company.
Prompts: Written for fivebyfiction for the prompt of taste.
Notes: Set post Season Two.
Summary: Max has made a decision that she has to pay for.
Word Count: 408

She’s sitting on the ratty couch in Alec’s old apartment. There’s a part of her that’s amazed that he still has his apartment, especially since she had thought he lived at Terminal City full time like the rest of them. However as she watches him move about the apartment, Max realizes that there’s very little that she really knows about Alec. He sets down a bottle of amber-coloured liquid in front of her, followed by two mismatched glasses. Both of them are silently as he carefully pours the liquid into the glasses before he hands her one.

At first she thinks to refuse the alcohol because she despises the taste of anything stronger than beer or wine. However one look at Alec’s resolute face tells her that there’s no point in resisting. She accepts the glass and downs the contents in one swallow before grimacing at the taste of the alcohol. It doesn’t really matter what it is, all that she knows is that it tastes foul. It burns its way down to her stomach and for one horrifying moment, Max is afraid that she’s going to throw up. And then the moment passes and Alec’s taking the glass out of her numb fingers and setting it down on the floor in front of her.

There’s a part of her that knows that she should be in tears but her eyes are dry. And all she feels is numbness over the fact that she had sent a team on a mission that had would up with all of them dead because of Ames White and his need to seek her kind out and eradicate them like vermin. The whole time that she had been planning the mission, Alec had tried to warn her against it. They had repeatedly argued over it, almost coming to blows over it, and in the end Alec had simply washed his hands of the whole affair before he left town for a few days.

When he had returned, it was just in time to find out with Max the horrible results of the mission. He presses another glass of the alcohol in her cold hands and once more she swallows it down. The vile taste of the alcohol exploding on her tongue and this time the liquid seems to warm her as Alec pulls her into his arms and holds her as she sobs against his chest over the mistake she had made.


length: drabble, character: alec (x5-494), character: max guevera (x5-452), genre: gen!fic, fandom: dark angel, community: fivebyfiction

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