Title: Reckless & Fearless
aaronlisaFandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing/Characters: Jim Kirk
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Rodenberry, Paramount Pictures and company.
Prompts: Written for
movie_100 for prompt #39 (blood.)
Notes: Set during the movie.
Word Count: 149
He’s always been too reckless, too fearless, and too ready to jump before he looked. But now with the taste of blood in his mouth yet again, he has to wonder why he’s so ready to throw his life away. When Pike leaves him in the bar, Jim has to wonder what his father would think. For the first time, it’s not filled with bitterness, hurt, or longing for the father who sacrificed everything to save his family. For once, when Jim thinks of his father, he’s full of shame for wasting his life on the myriad of petty things that he does.
Joining Star Fleet isn’t necessarily the answer but it’s a start. A start of a life where he can be reckless, fearless and ready to jump before leaping but this time he won’t be throwing his life away because of the hand that he’d been dealt.