[dark angel] victory

Nov 08, 2008 14:01

Title: Victory
Author: Aaronlisa
Fandom: Dark Angel
Pairing/Characters: Max Guevara (X5-452)/Alec McDowell (X5-494)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee and company.
Prompts: 5drunkfics - #4 (confessions), 15_song_titles - #7 (no more words).
Notes: Set post Season Two.
Summary: She never once asked him if it was what he wanted.
Word Count: 1026

They’ve finally won. The breeding cult had been neutralized sometime ago and the US government has finally declared transgenics to be full citizens of the US. There’s a celebratory mood in Terminal City when the news comes down. Champagne is being drunk; people are hugging, kissing, dancing, and singing, and so on. Its one big party in Terminal City with the gates flung open letting transgenics wander freely from the place that has served as their home, their base and their prison.

Every where that Max goes within Terminal City, someone wants to shake her hand, give her a hug, thank her for her hard work or congratulate her on her victory. Although she miles and submits to the attention, it all feels hollow to her. She knows that they might have won their rights from the government; they still have a long way to go. There will always be people out there who will resent them or be afraid of them or even view them as monsters because their DNA was mixed up in some secret government lab.

Max finds herself escaping from Terminal City, this time in the open instead of in secret, on the back of her motorcycle. The cold winter air hits her face as she aimlessly speeds along the familiar streets and side streets that make up Seattle. She’s not quite sure how she ends up in front of Alec’s old apartment building, the apartment that he claimed after Brian died. She sighs as she feels grief for all of those that they lost in their struggle to gain their freedom.

It seems natural of her to park her motorcycle in front of the building before she starts the journey up the stairs, since the elevator is still broken and probably always will be. She doesn’t think about why she is making this particular pilgrimage, not even when she is standing in front of the door to Alec’s apartment.

Since their fight had began, she never once asked him if it was what he wanted, instead she just gave him orders and like a good solider, he followed them. Max rests her head on the worn wood door and sighs. They’ve all changed in so many ways since that cold and grey morning when a group of them stood atop of one of the rooftops in Terminal City and raised their flag in declaration five years ago.

She rests her palm against the door. They’ve stood and fought beside one another in the five years since she took on the role of general and he of her second in command. They’ve grown up since they first met and yet she is still afraid to ask him how he feels about her because she’s afraid that if she confesses to him that she needs him, he’ll laugh in her face.

Max stands up straight and tries the door and she’s surprised when it yields at her touch. The apartment hasn’t changed since the last time she was here and she almost expects Alec to come out of the bathroom or the bedroom. When he doesn’t, she enters the apartment fully, closing and locking the door behind her. She briefly wonders if he comes here sometimes when he needs to get away, like she does with her old apartment.

Somehow she finds herself on the couch, with her feet on the battered coffee table, a bottle of pre-Pulse rum on the table and a glass half-full of it in her hand. She’s not really a drinker, before Terminal City, she would have a few beers at Crash with her friends while they unwound by playing pool and trying to find a connection with another person. Those carefree days are long gone for all of them, even Sketchy and Original Cindy.

She sighs as she downs the glass of amber liquid as she tries to block out the images of the past. She doesn’t want to think about how things were so much simpler back then, instead she just wants to forget about her life has changed for a few moments. Instead she just wants to think about the way in which Alec will mischievously smile at her before he pulls a prank on her. Or the way that he’ll back her up, even when she knows that he disagrees with her. Or the way that his lips felt against hers the one time that they kissed.

“You know there’s a party going on in Terminal City.”

His voice interrupts her reverie causing her to jerk in surprise before dropping the tumbler to the floor.

“Why aren’t you there Maxie? I would have thought that you’d be ecstatic that our fight is over,” Alec asks her.
“I’m glad that it’s over,” Max tells him.
“Then why are you here sulking and drinking my rum?”
“I don’t know,” Max honestly tells him.

He sighs as he picks up the tumbler that she had dropped before filling it with more of the rum and handing it to her. He sits down next to her, his left thigh pressed tight against her right thigh. The contact is warm and comforting to her and she leans into him as she drinks more of the rum.

Time passes and she’s not sure if it’s a few minutes or an hour or more, but she suddenly realizes that there’s no need for some fancy confession. Alec wouldn’t be here if he didn’t feel the same way for her that she feels for him. She decisively sets the glass on the coffee table and turns so that she is facing him. He moves so that they are both facing one another, his hand creeps up to push a stray curl off of her face. Max sighs and leans into his touch.

They’ve finally won and even though she knows they should both be back at Terminal City celebrating with everyone else, she’d rather be here with Alec in his old apartment taking part in their own private celebration. She’s never quite sure who moved first but in a moment, they’re kissing one another and the hollow feeling from earlier melts away.


community: 15_song_titles, community: 5drunkfics, character: alec (x5-494), character: max guevera (x5-452), pairing: alec (x5-494)/max (x5-452), fandom: dark angel, length: 1000-5000 words

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