[dark angel] mouth

Nov 07, 2008 23:51

This is a repost of this particular fic. I'd orginally posted the fic on 19 May 2007 over at starlit_desires.

Title: Mouth
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max/Alec
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
Prompts: fic_variations - sweet, 5drunkfics - tipsy, 15_song_titles - mouth
Word Count: 670
Notes: Set just after 2x11 “The Berrisford Agenda.”
Summary: Max goes to Alec’s apartment for his help but finds him unable to help her.

Max had only gone to Alec’s apartment because she needed his help on a job that would potentially net her some serious money. Money that would help her to pay off another scientist who might be able to take care of the virus that Manticore had put in her system. However when she found him, Max soon discovered that he’d been drinking and even though he was just tipsy, she knew that he was in no shape to help her with the heist. She sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh.

“How can you drink that stuff?” Max asked as she wrinkled her nose at the smell of the tequila that he was drinking.
“It’s an acquired taste, Maxie.”
“And just how did you acquire it at Manticore?”
“I’m pretty sure that my drinking habits didn’t bring you here.”
“No,” Max admitted.
“So what do you want?” Alec asked before he took another drink of the amber-coloured liquid.
“I need your help.”
“Yeah on a job.”

Silence descended on the pair as Alec slowly drank his tequila. She knew why he was drinking but she didn’t have the right words to say to him. Then again she realized that there was nothing that she could say that would ease his pain, so she kept silent as he continued to drink.

“Let me guess, this job will help you to pay off some scientist to fix your little virus problem.”
“Something like that.”
“When are you ever gonna learn Maxie?”
“Learn what?” Max asked defensively.
“Learn that this thing you have with Logan is just a fairy tale and there’s no happy ending for people like us.”
“Feeling sorry for yourself Alec?”
“I’m just a realist and I thought that you’d be one too.”

Alec reached for the bottle of tequila and he poured more of it into his glass. Max shot him a dirty look as he gulped down half of the glass. She knew that he was feeling bitter and that he was trying to hurt her, or at least that’s what she told herself. Just as she was about to tell him off, he suddenly turned to face her. He captured his chin with his hand and he rubbed his thumb along her lower lip.

“You’ve been on the run from Manticore since you were eleven years old, yet you still believe in castles in the sky. Maxie, we’re lucky enough to be alive right now. Why do you have to have dreams that aren’t ever going to come true?”

He didn’t let her answer, as he leaned into her and kissed her. His mouth tasted of tequila and instead of repulsing her, Max didn’t pull back instead she moved closer to Alec. She found his kiss to be intoxicating and she let him deepen the kiss, even though there was a part of her that was urgently telling her to pull away from him. It was Alec who broke the kiss and she was disappointed at the loss of his mouth on hers. Alec turned away from her and drank down the remaining liquid in his glass.

“As sweet as you taste, you and I both know that you’re just here because of Logan. Come back tomorrow and I’ll help you finance this folly of yours,” Alec tiredly stated.
“Fine,” Max flatly responded.

The mention of Logan’s name was like a bucket of ice-cold water being dumped on her. She refused to believe that what she shared with Logan was just a fairy tale, no matter what Alec told her. She stood up and gave him one last look before she turned and left. There was nothing that she could say to sway his opinion of her and Logan. His opinion would always be coloured by what had happened between him and the Berrisford girl and Max longed to tell him that love could be very different for them on the outside but the virus that Manticore had put in her system proved otherwise.


character: alec (x5-494), pairing: alec (x5-494)/max (x5-452), community: fic_variations, community: 5drunkfics, community: 15_song_titles, character: max guevera (x5-452), length: ficlet, fandom: dark angel

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