[buffyverse/spn] so far away

Nov 02, 2008 11:49

Back in September, I did a prompt request over at my journal because I was suffering from a very bad case of writers' block. I am finally starting to write those prompt requests.

Title: So Far Away
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Buffy Summers, Sam Winchester
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company, while Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: Written for goddess_loki who suggested Buffy, Sam and contemplation.
Notes: This is set post-Season Seven of Buffy and post-Season Three of Supernatural. It is not Season Eight complaint of Buffy.
Summary: Never knowing that they’re more alike than they could imagine.
Word Count: 491

They first meet in a run-down diner just outside of Los Angeles, both of them having gone into the diner looking for a place to get a warm cup of coffee and to get out of the rain. They wind up sitting with one another because the place is full and they quietly introduce themselves as they wait for the waitress to bring them their coffee.


Somehow they start talking about the weather which leads them into other avenues of conversations that never really touch upon the truth of their lives. They both have a secret that they aren’t willing to share with a complete stranger. His secret is that he’s a hunter and his brother is in Hell because of him and hers is that she’s a Slayer and she’s running away from the Council that she’s supposed to be leading.

Although they both recognize a sadness and longing in the other, neither of them think for a moment that their companion might share more in common with them than what’s on the surface. Instead they both focus on simple things like the quality of the food in the diner, their favourite album, the last movie that they saw, the current political state of the nation, anything and everything but the monsters that they both chase after.

When the rain finally eases three hours and two pots of coffee later, they have exchanged phone numbers even though neither of them have the intention of calling one another for the same reasons.

Sam would love to be with Buffy, she’s everything in a girl that he wants but his life is insane with the monsters he chases after. He can’t risk ruining her life like he did Jess’s because of who and what he is. When she gives him a hug in the parking lot with a promise on her lips that she’ll call him, he desperately wishes that things could be different between them.

Buffy feels the same way, there’s nothing more than she’d like to do than get to know Sam. He’s the type of guy that she’s always been attracted to: normal, handsome, and alive. Yet she can’t have him because she’s the Slayer and she’s supposed to be heading a Council. She might be running away right now but she knows that sooner than later her real life will catch up with her. Still she hugs him and inhales his scent and makes a promise that she knows she’ll never keep.

They walk to their cars, their actions unintentionally mimicking one another as they slide into the driver’s seat and place their hands on the steering wheels of their cars and sigh.

If only things were different. If only I could be normal.

They both insert the key to their cars in the ignition with a heavy heart and they drive off in separate directions, never knowing that they’re more alike than they could imagine.

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