[btvs/vm] breaking her own rules (faith/veronica)

Oct 25, 2008 10:38

Title: Breaking Her Own Rules
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Veronica Mars crossover
Characters/Pairings: Faith Lehane/Veronica Mars, with a mention of Kennedy/Willow
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company, while Veronica Mars belongs to Rob Thomas and company.
Prompts: Written for 7_crossovers for table #7, prompt #3 (silk)
Notes: Set post-Chosen and sometime after Veronica’s eighteen.
Summary: Faith makes it a rule to not get involved in any way with the Slayers that she encounters.
Word Count: 1279

Normally Faith makes it a rule to not get involved in any way with the Slayers that she encounters as she travels the United States searching for monsters to slay and Slayers to send off to Buffy in England. But when she meets Veronica Mars, her resolve seems to crumble for the first time in a very long time. She tries to tell herself that it’s just because that Veronica reminds her so much of Buffy (the one person she truly fell for oh so long ago.)

Yet aside from the superficial fact that they’re both wisecracking tiny blondes with a mean right hook, the similarity between Veronica Mars and Buffy Summers ends no matter how much Faith denies it. After all, Buffy seems to be in possession of a near insane obsession with having a normal life, even though she’s practically the head of the newly formed Council and all sorts of vampires and demons dream about the chance of taking down the Queen of the Slayers. Veronica on the other hand takes her destiny rather calmly when Faith tells her about it. It’s as if Veronica prefers the idea of being chased after by vampires than taking naughty pictures of cheating spouses.

When Faith tries to convince Veronica to go to England, Veronica declares that she wants nothing to do with the Council who she deems to be nothing more than an elitist clique. Faith tries to tell Veronica that the Council is so much better since it was blown up a few years ago without trying to sound like a complete and utter psycho. The conversation that they have in the diner where Veronica has found Faith (who’s been running away from the younger woman) is awkward as Faith tries to find the words that won’t give Veronica the wrong impression.

For the next two weeks, Veronica is by Faith’s side and no matter what the brunette Slayer does, Veronica won’t leave. Faiths almost relieved when Kennedy and Willow show up with the intention to coax Veronica to go to England to learn about her destiny and other such nonsense. Faith doesn’t really think that Veronica needs to go to England to learn about fighting vampires, she’s seen the blonde in action but she knows that it’s best for everyone involved.

Of course, Faith should have expected that Veronica would take an instant dislike to Kennedy and Willow. Faith’s almost positive that it’s Kennedy that Veronica really doesn’t like since the other Slayer shamelessly flirts with her every time Willow’s attention is focused elsewhere. Of course, when Willow can be bothered to pay attention to Kennedy, the Slayer makes disgusting displays of false sincerity as she practically hangs onto Willow. The three days that the pair stays in the motel room next to Faith’s is sheer torture for her. She starts to develop a bad headache from having to listen to the sound of Kennedy’s ecstasy every night.

When the pair leave, Faith is stuck in bed for three days with an excruciating headache. Veronica arrives on the third day and she lets herself into Faith’s motel room causing Faith to groan in pain as a shaft of nauseatingly bright and blinding California sunshine hits in the eye. The blonde is quick to close the door and she moves silently in the room until the mattress dips with her weight. Faith sighs as Veronica curls up against her back and her arms gently wrap around Faith’s waist.

Faith knows she should push Veronica away instead of letting her stay, but she’s feeling too poorly to really move. And Veronica feels nice and warm against her.

“Not feeling good?” Veronica quietly asks.
“No,” Faith groans.
“Do you think that the witch cast a spell?”

Veronica’s voice drips venom when she calls Willow a witch, proving to Faith that Veronica really didn’t like either Willow or Kennedy. Faith turns with some difficulty on the bed to face Veronica in the near darkness of the motel room.

“Willow?” Faith asks, “She’s too much of a goody-goody to do something like that. She wouldn’t even do that for Buffy.”
“But Buffy’s the type that orders someone to do that?”
“Buffy? No, she wouldn’t, at least I don’t think so,” Faith answers, uncertain about Buffy who she hasn’t seen since a few days after Sunnydale became a sinkhole.

They fall silent, their breathing in sync. Faith is almost asleep with Veronica kisses her. It’s a soft, gentle and chaste meeting of her lips against Faith’s and Faith leans into Veronica before she realizes what she’s doing. When she tries to pull back, Faith discovers that Veronica’s silken grip is rather deceiving, although it shouldn’t surprise her, after all they’re both Slayers.

“Veronica, we can’t.”
“Why not?”
“’Cuz Buffy would be furious.”
“I don’t really care about what Saint Buffy would or wouldn’t be, Faith. Don’t you get that?”
“This is normal for a new Slayer.”
“What is normal?” Veronica asks, her voice tight and angry as she lets go of Faith’s arms.

Faith sighs in the near darkness as she tries to find the right words that won’t offend Veronica. She’s too sick and tired to deal with an angry Veronica right now but she knows from experience and from what Buffy and Giles have told her. The Council might have been rebuilt but there are still strict rules about Slayers and Watchers fraternizing with one another for good reason.

“Slayers tend to fall in love with their first Watchers because of all the changes in their lives.”
“Good thing that you’re not my Watcher and I’ve had some time getting used to vampires, uh?” Veronica defensively asks.
“But I am practically your Watcher since you won’t go to England and you follow me around.”

Veronica sighs in the dark before she sits up on the bed breaking any physical contact between them.

“You know Faith; I get what you’re saying. And I am not like that.”
“Veronica,” Faith begins to say; only to have Veronica place a finger on her lips to silence Faith.

“No, hear me out. If me going to England is going to prove to you that I want you for you and that I don’t have some kink about authority figures, then fine I’ll go.”

Faith knows that she should feel all elated that she’s finally getting what she is supposed to want. Yet she feels hollow and empty on the inside and she can still feel the imprint of Veronica’s lips against her own. She closes her eyes and tries to tell herself that she only feels empty and hollow because it’s been a long time since she’s had sex with anyone. The pain that she feels, she attributes to the excruciating headache, to anything but the fact that Veronica will be leaving her.

“But I’d rather that you’d just believe me Faith,” Veronica tells her as she wraps herself once again around Faith, all silky smooth and tanned flesh that feels so warm against Faith’s.

They don’t say anymore as Faith tries to decide what she really wants. She’s been telling herself for so long that she really doesn’t want Veronica to stay with her because that’s what Buffy has been telling her. But when she thinks about it, she knows isn’t really true. It seems like hours pass, when in reality it’s only ten minutes or so when Faith finally answers Veronica.

“Okay,” Faith sleepily acquiesces.

Faith can feel Veronica’s smile against her shoulder and she knows that she’s made the right decision. They fall asleep wrapped around one another and Faith’s last thought is about how could she have been this lucky?


pairing: faith/veronica, fandom: veronica mars, character: veronica mars, community: 7_crossovers, length: 1000-5000 words, fandom: buffyverse, genre: crossover, character: faith lehane

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