[crossover] certain things, gen!fic

Jan 15, 2008 12:52

Title: Certain Things
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairings/Characters: Sam Emerson
Disclaimer: The Lost Boys belong to Joel Shumacher and company. Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: crossover100 - #1 (beginnings)
Notes: Set during an AU Season Three of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Set post-movie for The Lost Boys.
Summary: There are certain things that Sam Emerson doesn’t talk about with his family.

There are certain things that Sam Emerson doesn’t talk about with his family, certain topics that are just forbidden and have been for more years than he cares to count.

For example, he doesn’t tell them about his real career. Instead he lets them think that he’s a writer (even though he’s only ever written the one novel.) They don’t even talk about his one novel that was an international bestseller turned blockbuster movie. Instead his mother introduces him to her friends as her son, the horror writer. His brother refers to him simply as a writer.

They also don’t talk about the fact that he moved back to Santa Carla after he graduated from university. His brother took off two years after THE INCIDENT (which is the closest his mother refers to what actually happened, not that she discusses it that frequently) and six months later, his mother relocated the two of them back to Phoenix. Every summer, Sam went back and visited his grandfather, the only one in the family who didn’t have problems about talking about what really happened.

His family most certainly does not talk about the Frog Brothers, even though it was because of them that he got accepted into Oxford on a scholarship. Not that any of them knew it at the time, if they had, Sam’s positive his mother would have forbidden him from going.

Sam thinks that if his mother ever found out that her youngest son is still involved in the hidden supernatural world she’d probably either kill him or die from the horror. He’s not one hundred percent certain which would occur, he just knows that one would. Yet he can’t deny the lure of the supernatural world, he tried that and failed. It’s what led him to write his novel, and in turn that led him to becoming a Watcher.

As he puts down the fax from the Watchers’ Council, Sam can sense that there’s trouble brewing. Trouble that’s going to tear down all of the carefully constructed walls that his family has built so that they wouldn’t have to deal with THE INCIDENT, and part of Sam wishes that his grandfather was still alive to help smooth things over.

Right now, Sam has more important things to do instead of wishing that his grandfather was still alive. He has to pack and get a flight out to Boston to pick up his Slayer. He crumples the fax into a ball and throws it into the wastepaper basket, the information it contained memorized. He can’t help the smirk at the thought of Travers’s words. The stuffy old goat is clearly bitter about the fact having to assign a Slayer to an American who wasn’t born into the Watchers’ Council; however it’s clearly an unorthodox situation. Sam doesn’t really care one way or another; it’s something that he’s wanted ever since he started his training.


fandom: the lost boys, genre: crossover, length: ficlet, community: crossovers100, character: sam emerson, fandom: buffyverse

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