Title: Sanguine (The Sanctified Remix)
Aaronlisa Fandom: Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Darla/Drusilla, implied Darla/Angel
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for the remix round at
femslash_minis. I remixed
beer_good_foamy's Sanguine, which can be found here:
http://beer-good-foamy.livejournal.com/128404.html#cutid3Summary: It's always boils down to a thirst of some sort of Darla.
Word Count: 820
For the barest of moments, time seems to stand still as the door clicks closed behind Angel. The lock turning sounds thunderous. It's almost as if she's transported back to a time when they were four and their little family was whole with Darla as the grand matriarch. Now she's newly turned and the thirst burns through her body. Drusilla has turned into her sire and Angel's soul has become compromised in a delightfully delicious way. Drusilla sways and hums a soft little tune, it could almost be considered innocent but for the unholy fire in Drusilla's eyes. Some gasps and that's all that it takes for Darla to become a slave to the never-ending thirst.
Even as she and Drusilla cause mayhem, Darla's mind is on Angel. No matter how many times her lovely boy has rejected her (and she has rejected him), he's always filled her thoughts. Even now with the delightful twin scents of terror and freshly spilled blood perfuming the air, Darla can't help but wonder what Angel's motivation is. He is the founder of this divine feat and she can't help but wonder what he hopes to gain from this. Drusilla might be lost in her melodies but Darla is smart enough to know that while he's looking for the destruction of his enemies and the protection of his new family through the ruthlessness of his old, Angel will expect his pound of flesh from Darla and Drusilla sooner than later.
She tries to lose herself in the joyful abandon like Drusilla has. For a moment, she pauses and watches the other vampire as she moves gracefully about the room. Drusilla listening to some song or voice that only she can hear as she discards one lawyer for another, ripping out a throat as laughter tumbles out of blood stained lips. Darla only wishes that she had paid this much attention to Drusilla when things had been difference. She can see what had fascinated Angelus and even Spike.
The distraction almost costs her everything when a lawyer lunges at her as he brandishes a chair. Before she can teach him some manners, Drusilla is there, growling and snarling with golden eyes bright with emotions that Darla hasn't seen in so long. It's easy enough to push Angel out of her mind when her sire smiles a wicked, silvery-sharp smile at her.
Darla grabs the lawyer by throat, the stink of his terror clogging her nose.
"You've been very naughty," Darla croons at the man.
She pulls him even closer, the hammering of his heart loud to her newly sensitive ears as she reaches out for Drusilla. His death is far quicker than he had deserves as she and Drusilla lap at the blood that flows freely from the wound that Darla had carelessly torn in his neck. She forgets about Angel and Drusilla fills her mid. They briefly kiss, their tongues curling around one another, the coppery taste of blood coating her mouth, mingled with a taste that's purely Drusilla's. So much blood, so much terror and so much delight. Darla thinks that she'll make each of these lawyers pay for what they had tried to do to her.
When Drusilla mewls, Darla suddenly grows impatient and bored with the lawyers. Still she shares a feral smile with Drusilla before they turn on the remaining lawyers and the room is awash with crimson blood and terror. It takes every ounce of control Darla has to not just tumble Drusilla on the remains of the board room table. Even now, consumed by lust, Darla knows that how she reacts in these next few hours will shape her relationship with Drusilla. The older vampire croons in her ear, calling her grandmother and daughter. Darla might be desperate with another type of want but she's still clever enough to seize control.
Darla lets Drusilla swing her up in her arms, a dark parody of a groom and wife. She laughs and growls against the curve of Drusilla's neck as they find their way to Lindsey's pathetic apartment. His bedroom stinks of her lost humanity. Still as they tumble onto his bed, Darla's tongue curled around Drusilla's, she loses sight of control and power lost in their mutual lust. Darla laughs in delight as Drusilla's nails shred through her thing clothing before scraping against her scalp as Drusilla pulls her closer. They kiss and it's full of blood. And Darla drags her fingers along Drusilla's satiny skin, delighting in all of the sound she can coax from Drusilla's mouth.
The last time they had done this, they had been a quartet intent on painting Europe crimson red. Now there's just the two of them and Darla's content with that. Drusilla will never offer her false promises. Drusilla will never challenge her outside of the bedroom. Their mouths and bodies fight for dominance and Darla loses herself in the completion.