{being erica} friendship

Jan 19, 2011 22:02

Title: Friendship
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Being Erica
Pairing/Characters: Erica Strange, Dr. Tom
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Being Erica belongs to Temple Street Productions and company.
Notes: Written for rodlox for the 2010 holiday season at fandom_stocking.
Notes: There are general spoilers for Season Three in this fic.
Word Count: 233

After three years of therapy, their relationship changed. It was a subtle shift, one that Erica couldn’t pinpoint when it exactly happened. They had gone from being a doctor and patient to something more. She cared about him and she knew that Dr, Tom cared about her. There was nothing inappropriate about their relationship but when she looked to him for guidance or answers at times, she wasn’t asking him as her therapist but as her friend. She respected his opinion just as she had respected the opinions of Judith and Ethan.

After three years, she wasn’t asking him to tell her what she should do but she was asking him to help her to find her way on her own as any friend would ask of a friend. And despite a few rough patches over the year, Erica knew that he cared about her just a little more than a therapist should care about their patient. Maybe in that sense it was somewhat inappropriate for a therapist and a patient to be friends but it wasn’t as if they’d ever go to Goblins after a session and have a coffee together or anything like that.

Still there was something different about their relationship, something that she appreciated and she thought that maybe after her therapy was finally finished, successfully completed maybe she would ask him out for a cup of coffee.


length: drabble, character: dr. tom, character: erica strange, fandom: being erica, genre: gen!fic, community: fandom_stocking

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