
May 07, 2006 00:14

My bedroom is soooo cold. When your sick, everything feels colder. Arg. ANyways, not much to update about....well, actually, I suppose there is.

Going to Miami-Dade with my friend Jessika for the summer. We're taking the easy way out from our math problems. We're taking Liberal arts 1&2 so that we can finally graduate B.C.C.

I got a cold last Sunday, along with a knee problem. Seems as though it was only imflammed (hopefully, we'll see what the doctor believes come May 17th). I couldn't move it Monday morning worth a shit, I was limping everywhere. I was in such horrible pain, it sucked. The cold really has gotten to me in the last couple days. I fuckin was coughing my brains out today. I called out Thursday night because of my knee and felt horrible. Then I had to call out today because of my coughing. I coughed so much I ended up throwing up a lot. Let me tell you, that is not pleasant. Now I'm also having a voice similar to that of Froggy from the Little Rascals. O boy.

I did pretty good on my grades.

C in Intro. To Elementary Education (should've been better, but I slacked a lot and screwed up one test)
B in Educational Psych and American History (amazing I pulled that off)
A in Educational Technology

So, not too shabby. Finding a major seems to help your grade somewhat. I'm off to bed. I have to open tomorrow. yippie.
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