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Nov 14, 2004 03:57

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...found at nogaymarriage.com....hm.

Among the likeliest effects of gay marriage is to take us down a slippery slope to legalized polygamy and "polyamory" (group marriage).
...dude. gay people just want to marry each other. not many others. and if it's legal to marry your second cousin in some states, then what the fuck is wrong with gay marriage?

When Tom Green was put on trial in Utah for polygamy in 2001, it played like a dress rehearsal for the coming movement to legalize polygamy. True, Green was convicted for violating what he called Utah's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on polygamy. Pointedly refusing to "hide in the closet," he touted polygamy on the Sally Jessy Raphael, Queen Latifah, Geraldo Rivera, and Jerry Springer shows, and on "Dateline NBC" and "48 Hours." But the Green trial was not just a cable spectacle. It brought out a surprising number of mainstream defenses of polygamy. And most of the defenders went to bat for polygamy by drawing direct comparisons to gay marriage.
..i don't think gay people asked for that attention though. a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman has nothing to do with a man marrying 8 women.

fuck man. just. get over it. people are gay. it happens. it's been happening since god knows when. i don't give a flying fuck if the bible supposedly says it isn't right. it's been around since forever, and god isn't mad. (don't even give me that bullshit that aids is a punishment for being gay. it makes no sense.) i just hate people that hate people for no good reason.
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