May 25, 2004 11:10
Who will I talk about BIG trucks with?
Who will I go to Starbucks with?
Who will I get wet with- In the EYES?!
Who will I work with?
Who will I listen to awesome CDs with?
Who will I talk about mudding with?
Who will I watch Nip/Tuck with?
Who will I talk about boys with BIG trucks with or just tighty-whitey dshgthyeit(you know his name) and that WILD guy-what's his name again?
Who will I watch dumb 80s movies with?
Who will I eat Doritos and chocolate chip cookies with?
Who will I be a PIG with at work with?
Who will I cuddle with?
Who will I sleep naked with?
Who will I get kicked out of Wally World with?
Who will I drink Izze grapefruit and blackberry juice with?
Who will I tell about Gilmore Girls to?
Who will I talk about nothing and everything to?
Who will I eat tons of food with?
Who will I eat POTATO salad with? Did you think about how this was going to make him feel? I bet not. Well, he's crying now. I hope you're happy!
Who will I say lines from movies with? Ex-squeeze me, baking powder? Are you mental?
Who will I burp with?
Who will I talk to potato salad with?
Who will I be retarded with and say "Here's ur sign!"?
Who will I look HOTT with- there can't be just 1 there HAS to be 2!
Who will I say GIT-R-DONE to? WHO?
Who will I eat chips and dip with at 10:30 in the morning?
Who will walk 500 miles and then walk 500 more just to be the man who walks a 1000 miles to fall down at your door?
Who will constantly ask: when are you coming back, when are you coming back, when are you coming back?
-Yes, you can easily be replaced; there are other people I can spend my time with, but the truth is, it won't be the same. So I guess, you're not that easy to replace.
I love you POTATO salad, I mean MELINDA! Come home sooooooooooooooon!