i hate boys. specifially ones named jaser.

Feb 14, 2009 01:18

stupid boys. ruining stupid valentine's day dates.

stupid boys who have stupid girlfriends, even though they've already confessed to liking you and dropping all sorts of hints.

stupid boys who waiting til the last minute to cancel things because they've got stupid girlfriends (even though you've been planning on meeting for at least two weeks but one word from their stupid girlfriend and he's gone).

stupid boy who made me take the bus back to campus because he was my ride to the restaurant.

stupid boy who made me cry.


but i'm glad that i've got a bestest friend who yells at said stupid boy over the phone and threatens to castrate him for making his friend cry and buys her lunch because she never even got to order when she was on her "date" which was really supposed to be today but got moved to the day before today which was yesterday because she had plans to go out of town for the weekend and is now being forced to go 400+ miles away with no internet for the next two days.

ranting makes my grammar all sorts of ugly (not that it was pretty before hand).

well have an effing happy valentine's day.

stupid boys, i hate boys named jaser, rant

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