pointless ramble #1

Nov 18, 2008 22:36

sooooo... i guess this is my first real post here?
wow! aaaaahhhhhh--mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzeeeeee-iiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg.
i have so many blogs, but i never blog here, save for fics i guess.

anyway, the reason why i started blogging today, was because of something that happened a few days ago.


i was in the library (a voice says from the general direction of the ceiling, and she glances up, surprised) reading over my notes for engineering class. and i was listening to my mp3 player.

anyway, i was in the middle of learning how to correctly use functions in a program (omg c++ class is eating my brain) when marry u was suddenly blasting in my ears.

the next thing i know, i'm literally bawling my eyes out, and a few other library patrons were wondering what was wrong with me. ;___;

after i had calmed down, people started asking me what was wrong.
what was i suppose to say?
how was i suppose to explain the workings of a fan girl's mind?

one person even asked me if i had just broken up with my boyfriend. of course i was like "wtf? why would you even ask that?" but what came out was "why would that concern you?"

end of flashback.

so yes, what a pointless first post. i promise not to fail so much the next time i do decide to post something here that isn't remotely related to fanfic.

rant, pointless

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