Feb 13, 2004 17:20
yesterday was alright, i had half a day at school because of the hypnotist, it was really fun, then me and megs and cait did stuff, we bought new shirts and sewed black broken hearts on the for valentine's day because well... i hate it... but thanks to cait, megs, amanda, sarah, denise, manda, anna, and everyone else who gave me valentine's, you guys are the greatest ♥.
my bad days haven't stopped yet. there's a dance tonight. i'm still undecided if i want to go or not, me and mom might just watch some movies or something. i feel like shit.
stolen from hai hai
A - Age: 16
B - Band listening to right now: van halen
C - Career in future: designer (clothes, interior... not sure yet)
D - Dad's name: ken
E - Easiest person to talk to: catie or alison
F - Favourite song at the moment: touch you touch you by hot hot heat
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: yummy, both!
I - Instruments: i know a little guitar, a little bass, and a little piano
J - Job title: yeah i suck, no job for me
K - Kids: None
L - Longest car ride ever: 7 days to ontario (we stopped in a lot of places over night)
M - Mom's name: dianne
N - Number of siblings: 1
O - Oldest sibling: 19
P - Phobia[s]: wow there's a lot, i'll name a few of my big ones: germs, oceans/rivers/ponds/lakes, sharks, needles, papercuts
Q - Quote you like: "'this scene is weird' 'as opposed to the rest of the movie which is perfectly normal...'" hai hai and cait's mom
R - Reason to smile: i don't think i have one, maybe because cait, megs, hai hai and ali are the greatest friends ever! thanks for everything guys!
S - Song you sang last: jump by van halen
T - Time you wake up: whenever i happen to wake up
U - Unknown fact about me: i actually like being really girly... sometimes
V - Vegetable you hate: ick, most of them
W - Worst habit: i look down when i'm talking to people instead of looking them in the eyes
X - X-rays you've had: oh god, a lot on my wrist, i'm gonig for one next week to see if i need surgery or not
Y - Yummy food: bread
Z - Zodiac sign: virgo/leo