(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 18:40

welll today frikin rocked cuz i skipped school and go to go work with my mom!! it was soo cool!! i got to work with nic and alex frazzoni which was a blast! i got to serve the lil kids breakfast and lunch!! i watched a kid steal cookies but i couldnt do aything cuz he shoved em in his pocket and unless he pulls them out we have no proof cuz u cant MAKE him open his pockets....so i was kinda mad bout that! umm saw some old teachers of mine! i went to visit ms campbell and she made me do work for her! hah i was kinda annnoyed but was nice about it....yeah i had a great time today sucks for you kiddies that went to school! although at like 6 the school calle dand was like "your child has missed 1 or more periods please call us back and explain why she did not come to school" so my mom calls andl eaves a message with the WRONG DATE! so watch i get put on the DNA list lmao! i would die laughing! i bet it was twible that screwed up attendance or something!! who knows!! well one week from saturday is prom! im so excited! james (jimmy i call him james now haha i love his real name) went shoopping for tuxes tonight so we shall hope he gets one!! haha im tryign to loose wieght cuz i cant fit in my dress anymroe! its not that ive gained wieght...cuz ive lost some its cuz since ive bene fowkring out for like 4 months now my muscles have expanded and like my sholdurs are more broad and so ar emy hips so the dress is like just a tid too tight...so im trying hard to eat less haha! otherwise ill have to go like wed to buy a new dress! whcih wouldnt be a bad thing! lmao yepp well nothing new really! so later


Pearls that swim the rift of me
Long and weary my road has been
I was lost in the cities
Alone in the hills
No sorrow I feel
For anything I feel yea

I am not your rolling wheels
I am a highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky

Friends and liars
Don’t wait for me
Cause I’ll get on
All by myself
Put millions of miles
Under my heels
And still too close to you
I feel

I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the sky here
I am not your automn moon
I am the night
The night

I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet rag
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightining
I am not your automon
I am the night
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