First and foremost, let me wish a very Happy Birthday to Muromachi-kun. I have a gift for you that I will be dropping by to bring you. I think you will rather enjoy it~ I also believe I have a cake that is meant to be thrown with your name on it.
In other news, it seems that Minamoto-san has just purchased an apartment here in Tokyo since he got tired of traveling back and forth from Saitama to meet with my father on an almost daily basis. Which means Takuma-kun will be able to move out of Seigaku's dorms, much to his satisfaction, I'm sure. As I know he has been unhappy with his living arrangements there and complains regularly about them, and will be glad to be away form the finally. On top of that, I also found out this means Takuma-kun's little sister, Suzuko-chan will be moving up here and will start going to classes here in Tokyo also. That fact was made obvious when she showed up on our doorstep this morning with her father and practically flung herself at me, crying that myself and her niisan were awful people for moving to Tokyo and leaving her behind. I suppose I shall get to look forward to seeing her showing up here almost as often as Takuma-kun. But I've promised to go with Takuma-kun and walk her to her first day of school at her new elementary school. Seigaku's Dai Dai-San Elementary, I think it was? Is anyone familiar with it? I hope she will be able to adjust there well. I know she'll most likely be missing her friends at Saitama Dai-Yon until she makes new ones here. But she's only six years old right now, so I think the transfer will be relatively easy for her.
[OOC: For Touji's gift...he got him some adorable
water galoshes with pandas on them to match that cute little raincoat of his~! Yes, a gag gift and Touji is free to try and smack him around for it. But he figured you can't have one without the other~ And random trivia time, but Saitama Dai-yon Elementary is actually the elementary school Taka-san went to~ Apparently Taka-san is originally from Saitama. ^^ And Seigaku Dai Dai-San is where the Fuji brothers went to school.]