Just a peak into my picture archives before i head to bed; if you're not bored of me already. lol! Well, just to prevent that! We have more VAMPS-TIME in TAIWAN pics first! XD
YAY! i was... somewhere around the first yellow line. YES. very near indeed! ^-^ From here the water level looks very low; but when i got back to the hotel, i could pour water out of my calf-high boots. I don't know man, either the ground sank or the jumping was mad!
Okay, this one is special. Because we "analyzed" the whole thing. This was the only one that was out of place with the rest of the art that was done there, which we supposed were done by an artist in Japan. Since they mentioned the graffiti "walls" were flown over. BUT THIS, fading paint and handwriting is very familiar. ^-~
VAMPS CREW anyone? ^-^ The nice guy allowed us to take a photo of his shirt while we were smoking!
Its amazing how childish i look here. Must be the 8am sun
The view from my hotel's balcony. Its not enticing, but i do like its rustic feel. Don't you think it looks a little like the Moonchild scene where Sho wants to give Yi-Che flowers and they have lunch at some rooftop?
The stage being so obscured by the downpour! This was at what... 2pm?
our paper boats. made out of sheer boredom. ^-^
NING-CHAN'S ARM OF AWESOME. <3 my masterpiece.
[MONO & ME - pimpin' the boyfriend jacket!]
I'm recently hung up on B/W photos. I like the shading it gives; and also it's very rugged feel. It's like its not so proper. I love the last pic. I have no idea how i got those flares in. But they make for pretty picture effect!
That's all shameless-self-spammage (WOAH. 3 S's) i have for you today. More next time~