well, today being Friday the 13th, my friends and i decided to watch a movie; a horror movie nonetheless.
its a new THAI!HORROR called "Coming Soon". as cheesy as it may sound, i'm telling you it scared the shit out of me.
i'm a sucker for horror flicks, the best i've seen so far is The Eye and Shutter, the both of them still scare me when they play reruns on TV, in chinese dub too.
The Eye and Shutter was subtle horror, and it'll probably stay in your mind slowly creeping you out for awhile, but "Coming Soon" was INYOURFACE HORROR. there was nothing subtle about it. one of the things that really get me about horror movies are feet; feet and fucking hands... just limbs. they look so dead, like they should be and that scares the shit out of me. and there was, lots of feet scenes in Coming Soon. aasjkdnskdnksannnn!!!
i swore like a man and screamed like a pussy, i don't think i have screamed so loudly in a horror movie. no, i have never; i'm the kind that just silently swears and jolts back. but this, i screamed like there was no tomorrow. it scared me at every corner, there was no time to recover from my shock. lol, it was more of adrenalin packed horror than anything; granted The Eye and Shutter are a lot better scares wise, Coming Soon is more of a shock value. but i'm a pussy when it comes to horror movies like that; Mirrors was one of them.
many times throughout i wanted to rush on screen and beat the crap out of the ghostie but i was too busy screaming in my seat and trying to watch it through the button hole on my jacket.
if you like being scared;
watch it. i also re-watched Moonchild, thanks to
baoying who suggested i take special notice of Gackt's oh-so-obvious crotch in the death-scene. LOL. she calls it jiggly! to me, if not for Hyde, i would have never gotten into Moonchild in the first place. Hyde's acting isn't fantastic, and the lack of it was pretty obvious in his virginal attempt at one. but i must say the scene when he was talking about how everyone would grow old while he would still remain as he was (YEAH, the one before gackt cried and Hyde went over and picked lice from his head kissed his hair! YES that scene.) i thought the monologue in there was pretty well acted out; i loved the cynical, mild angsty look on his face, he did the starvation diet part very nicely. and kudos to Gackt for foresight, because there can be no one more believable as a vampire than Hyde. yes, that includes Gackt himself. Hyde tops, fullstop. okay, not everything about the movie is sucky... it started off nicely, funny, dorky and perhaps even smart, but it took such a dramatic turn *ahem* in the middle and back it's pretty unbearable for me to watch it again after so long. i mean, how anymore depressing can Sho's life get? he befriends a vampire, who's in love with the girl he loves who's in love with the vampire also, whom his best friends tries to shield from bullets and vampire gets pissed and bites enemies in front of them. girl and new friend get scared, vampire feels guilty and runs off, suicidal. poor sho misses his best friend so much that he has to go find him and let him see "our child"(don't blame me, its the subtitles). and then girl who likes vampire gets cancer and thinks sho is vampire and calls sho the vampire's name and sho gets vampire to see girl to bite girl because she is gonna die and when she dies he gets all emo and asks his vampire best friend to go with him and watch him in his suicide attempt, which he succeeds, leaving vampire shooting off his other friend and him gurling blood and everyone's gone.
seriouly. who asks their best friend to watch them die? and as if poor vampy isn't guilty enough for toshi's death, sho has to remind him, "it was raining like that when toshi died" >_< because sho just has the saddest life ever.
the best thing in the movie was Toshi, Hongo Kanata (who scarily morphs into a screeching gackt) and Hyde making out-of-date Ah-Beng fashion look GOOD.
i'm sorry gackt, the front part of the movie was so much better.
I loved Last Quarter alot better. the Evil Eye clip brings tears to my eyes. again, Hyde wasn't amazing in his acting, but the subtlety and the surpression of emotions in that particular clip made it believable. i could picture him as Adam, half-drunk, never sober, talented, deeply sad. what might seem to be a lack of depth, created depth instead. i love Evil Eye. its gorgeous. Another part i loved was when Sayaka returns and asks Adam if he's mad at her and why did he die, when they'd promised to meet, with her in her incarnation and him, aged in his years. Adam didn't say a word and when she said she would like to give Mizuki another chance; the look in his eyes was gentle, when he nodded and walked off.
The prayer Mizuki said for Adam's soul was also beautiful.
And the tombstone; i have no words for that. if i really went past a tombstone with just a name and then "The Cape of Storms" (or similar) lyrics engraved on it i will cry. its wrenching to see "so where has love gone, will i ever reach it..." Hyde's lyrics are truly moving, and they were aptly added to this movie.
PLUS! Hyde had better clothes to wear this time! Edward Scissorhands-ish outfit, pale lips and Kohl eyes? SEXY.
wow, i sound like a did a major review. LOL!
on picture meme post news, i have taken half of the pics, another half will have to wait till morning, to get the sunlight! it'll be up soon!