So today was sort of kind of awesome. Lots of stuff went down, even if it seemed kind of lame at the time. Like....
So my friend who kind of got me into my Japanese class ended up dropping the class on Wednesday. So... Now I'm at the University for idk 10AM-3PM, two hours spent on bus. Two hours spare. Aka, I have no one to hang out with on my spare and that's kind of lame but that time is spent mostly studying. I wish my computer have a font set for Japanese so I could type it fluently without having to play [character search] on Japanese blogs. Using my Japanese powaaaz for Doujinshi too, so... Kind of interesting. When listening to music now, I relate the lyrics more to the katakana and hiragana than I do the romaji. THIS IS A GOOD SIGN.
Also have to bust my ass to study for PSYC since I have like an exam or something on the 18th. Thankfully it's only three chapters and 2 of the online lectures. Unfortunately those lectures are close to an hour each and my instructor is a huge bitch who I hope diaf. The profs are cool though, so I don't mind those online lectures as much as I thought I would. Still, I would prefer to be taught for the time I paid for rather than busting my ass to figure it all out online on my own time. Oh yeah, did I mention that the site hosting these lectures also crashes a lot? Well it does. Isn't that a bitch?
Icelandic studies are going well though. Verb/Adjective/Noun conjugations are fairly easy for me to pick up for some reason. I'm sort of starting my own mini Ensk/Islanska dictionary (cough, I only put A down in my book), and today in class I thought YELLOW + BLUE = PURPLE. My mind was on the other half of the chart clearly. The girl sitting next to me was all "It's cool, I haven't done colors since I was in grade two". That would have made me feel better if I hadn't been an Art Major all through High School BUT HEY, IT'S COOL, SHE'S COOL. The people in that class is rad and I get to call my prof PJ. (・ ̄▽ ̄・)
So, I came home and Joc showed me this random transformation sequence of some new anime. Summed up, it can only be described as...
And let me tell you, it is one of the most intriguing and captivating concept I have seen in awhile. The animation is so much fun, the music is catchy as all hell and the plot ( or what they have revealed of it so far) proves to be really kind of original in it's own meshed way. If you haven't looked into it; DO. Need more convincing?
Click to view
And then I napped, but upon awaking I stumbled across much SPN fanart. /)A(\ Also, tumblr... Tumblr is a wonderfully awful place for me to stumble upon. Mostly for reasons like these...
You know they did that episode with the intention of making blatant Back to the Future references.
Also. This.
Sad thing is, it is completely true so far.
Stalking Misha to the bathroom, apparently. This was off of his twitpic or whatever it's called. Or was it his own tumblr? I can't remember anymore. All I know is that I was amused!
Okay, I promised I'll try to be less of a creeper now. ;w;b
In more fandorking news however, I did manage to hunt down a live stream with episode 3 from Season 6. So much Badass!Cas, it was wonderful. Also, I get the feeling that Sam had a swell time in hell. Treated like a King, because he sort of was the king. Also, there was a lot of homosexual undertones in that episode but for Supernatural that's nothing new. Then to further the SPN trend, while browsing tumblr I FOUND THIS JOURNAL:
And then I found the Comic that was published and it was decent but it seemed like every hot bitch was trying to kill the Winchesters. And the art style kind of bothered me. :c But overall, I guess it was okay. Lacked luster though.
uhhh what else. TOGAINU NO CHI EPISODE ONE. I didn't really like the OP/ED themes but the rest was good? Lots of totally gay moments, the soundtrack was rocking, animation was pretty decent. c: ALL IN ALL IT MADE ME HAPPY AND NEXT EPISODE HAS KIWI AND GUNZI! HURRAAAY!
Now I'll leave you with this very important message and pokemon.