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Marathoned season 4 last weekend, season 6 this weekend AND I WAS SAYING THAT THE ENTIRE TIME. Pretty much. When watching season 4, every episode began with a 'WTF THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE' while this season was just 'CONFETTI! IT'S A PARADE!'. Season 5 was awesome. Now I have to catch up to season 6 or whatever. 8|;
School wise: Memorizing Katakana~ Which is strangely easier than hiragana. In Icelandic I need to practice more grammar things and pronunciations. Not really a word but Guoðni has been stuck in my head all weekend. Before it was kennari which means teacher. And I think my teacher wants me to speak up in class more but I'm too shy too. :c In Japanese though, I'm just the exception student so the prof kind of knows me whether he'd like to or not.
Psyc is still a waste of time.
Anyways, after marathoning, slept not, went shopping with my mom who also had no sleep around 10 this morning. We picked some stuff up from Dollarama then went to Superstore. I got and odd tasting peach out of the deal. +w+;
Now my hips and back hurt. I feel old.