* Reply to this post with "hurr i'm a durr" and I will pick [SIX] of your icons.
* Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
* Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
* This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
Yeah, I changed it. 8| Anyways,
atrypical picked four icons for me soooooo...
Originally from
this version of the GET DOWN meme that was initially spawned from a Glitch that could occur while playing the original Goldeneye for the N64. c: It makes me happy. I needed to iconize it.
This icon... It amused me greatly when I saw it. |D Basically it's from Joker no Kuni no Alice and in the WINTER WONDERLAND there's a seal wearing Alice's bow. I really don't know what else to say aside from, it was random and it also amused me. |3
Another Kuni no Alive con. |3 SMACK DOWN ON PERVERTED PETER. I just added this one recently because I lack rage icons. The text facie makes me happy too with all of its animated glory.
Old icon is really really old but I love it. ;w; Creed and Train from Black Cat, the first ED credits. I can't remember if there was a textless version of the ED at the time that I did this or if I had to do some SRS EDITING but Creed being all gay for Train was a must and still is a must. And will likely always be a must.
I was really looking forward to the idea of hitting the pub tonight. Of course plans had to fall through. Always. This week has been something wretched. I should probably finish applying for my University course so I can do that bursary thing. I feel somewhat cheapened by the whole course load thing. :|
But whatever, I'll get through it. Really really tempted to take up peoples offers on moving to foreign places though. Kayla's offered, Ari's offered. That's two possibilities in Calgary waiting for me. I should probably see about moving in with my Aunt and Uncle again though, but I could see it being kind of awkward and weird. At least I'd get my space though.
Kind of tempted to get myself a credit card. I should probably set it up through the bank since they'd probably be more helpful then asking my dad. My mom is more stable in that area but she, like me, has little tolerance for numbers. If I can get that credit card though, I'm gonna buy myself a scanner, and a new tablet. >:< I'm gonna make this life thing work one way or another, dammit and ain't nothing gonna stop me.
Finishing university seems so far away though... I want to travel again. It calls meeeeee. It's in my bones. I need to travel again. Why can't Momo-con come any faster??
Speaking of cons, I need to call Party Stuff and see if they have liquid latex. I will learn the magic of make-up art! And then be pro enough at that to do awesome bizarro shit. Fuck yeaaah. Then actually get to work on Hiccup and my Tusken Raider. 8| Hiccup will be easy enough. I just need... a wig mostly. And to sew a bit. And find a top like his. Tusken Raider will be a little more challenging but I'm looking forward to just hiding in that massive amount of fabric.
Ahhhhh ;A; New Vocal Note PLUS a new song audition! At least I'm pretty much pro at Yowaimushi. :| It's easier than Campanella. and...