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May 29, 2004 12:33

[comment] to be added. If you add me, chances are I will add you back. I <3 comments, so I would appreciate if you comment at least once in awhile. Keep in mind that I *do* read everyone's journal. I will comment, but it might not be all the time. A lot of the time I don't know what to say. (^^);

Do not add me if:
★ you are just looking for a larger friends list
★ you and I have absolutely nothing in common
★ you just plan on criticizing me for what I write
★ u TyPe LyKe dIs because it's fucking annoying
★ you are homophobic
★ you want me to be in one of your rating communities. If you comment to advertise any of your communities, I will delete your post and report you to el-jay abuse. =D
★ you never update your journal
★ you never comment. once in awhile is okay.
★ close-minded

If you don't fit in the upper categories, then continue to fill out this mini survey and comment with it:

what do we have in common:
where did you find me:
why do you want to add me:

=D Chances are I will add you back, so don't worry. I don't bite and I'm a nice person. (^_^)
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