Mar 25, 2005 01:06
yeah its like 1 and i just got home an hour agoo ` i hung out with Jess violet britter edwin vinny and mike =) woot woot and then we hung out in front of violets, mikes and my house * but im leaving in 3 hours for Michaingan i havent` slept yett oh noo ima sleep the whole 13 hour ride up thurrr ! we got my skinny Ps2 in durrr the SHAGGY MOBILE ima miss VIOLET JESS BRITT oh so muchh love you girls and oh yes cant forget my ONE AND ONLY SAMMMYYYY =) `*` but yeah im coming back Monday and im not going to school woot woot and i think im hanging with sammmyy ! woot woot Yeah im talking to jessie and henry there oh so very cool .. nOt just kidden buddieee well im out so i`ll updatee monday on my BORING tripp
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC =) LYL bffeeee * well on 3.26
Drift x n DiE (1:06:04 AM): i shaved my armpits with conditioner because i didnt have shaving cream and there so soft!
Drift x n DiE (1:06:07 AM): :-)