Amusing tales from work

Jun 12, 2017 23:23

Today I had a work party (this is a pretty common thing in Japan; unsure about the rest of the world because I've only ever done part time jobs in America and I've never lived in any other country!) and while drinking with some of my coworkers, this amusing story happened. Inspired by Shige's ridiculous J-web entries, I want to try to tell it in an amusing way, so... please put up with me. XD;

Miranda, known at work as a long-time Johnny's fan (me)
'Yasu fan,' Miranda's friend who's about the same age and is a Kanjani8 fan
'Mr. M,' a coworker in his early 40s with a young daughter

Miranda, Yasu fan, and Mr. M are pouring drinks for one another and chatting about work and life. Mr. M and Yasu fan are asking Miranda about her plans to move to Tokyo. Mr. M mentions that this must be exciting because it will be easier to go to concerts, and asks Yasu fan if we'll go together. Yasu fan says she likes Kanjani8, but Miranda likes NEWS and Hey! Say! JUMP. The following scene occurs.

Miranda: Do you know NEWS?

Mr. M: Of course I do!

Miranda: Do you know the members' names?

Mr. M: Um, well... There's Masuda... and who else...

Miranda: That's right!

Mr. M: Who else... Nishikido?

Miranda: T_T not him!

Yasu fan: He left!

Mr. M: That's right, he left, he's not in NEWS anymore... uh... who else...

Yasu fan: think of Itte Q!

Miranda: The blonde flashy guy!

Mr. M: Who was it... oh right, there's Tegoshi.

Miranda: That's right!

Yasu fan: Who else?

Mr. M: Who else... um...

Yasu fan: He writes novels!

Mr. M: Oh yeah, Kato Shigeaki

Miranda: Yes! Him!

Mr. M: Who else...

Yasu fan: He's on News Zero... right?

Miranda: No, it's every!

Mr. M: Oh, right... who is it again... there's a flashy guy on every...

Miranda: He's really tan!

Mr. M: Oh yeah, the really tan, flashy guy... with that hairdo... what's his name...

Miranda: It starts with a ko!

Mr. M: ...Kojima? Koyama?

Miranda: It's Koyama! Good job!

Mr. M: I knew that Yamapi left.

Miranda: Yeah, you might need to know this stuff in the future because you have a daughter.

Mr. M: *face of horror*

Okay, so I'm ridiculous XD; But it was pretty funny. The hints that helped him get the answers made me laugh, and I was surprised and really happy that Shige was the only member whose whole name he knew offhand! Also, Massu was the first member he was able to name, so after Hen Lab, I bet Massu would be happy. XD;

it's big news, gunma days, i think we are friends

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