Oct 23, 2014 22:58
I have a lot of thoughts about stuff, but I'm not ever sure how I want to talk about them, or if I want to talk about them on LJ. So for right now I'm going to stick with the relatively simple and relatively clean-cut.
I guess it's not something I really talk about much anymore, but… I've been a huge Chinen fan for a really long time. Chinen is the reason I became a JUMP fan in the first place, and loving him has been a huge part of my life, especially when I was in college. He has a really special place in my heart.
But… I've been realizing that over time, both of us have changed, and I think that part of what was preventing me from really getting into JUMP for a while after the shit that was 2012 happened was the fact that Chinen just… didn't have the same draw for me. He's such a wonderful guy who cares so much about his friends and his fans, not to mention an amazingly talented dancer and dedicated hard worker, but… for whatever reason, as much as I love and admire him, the spark isn't there anymore.
…what I'm trying to say, albeit poorly, is that… I've tangae'd within JUMP. I realized last weekend that more and more, my favourite is Inoo. It was a hard decision/realization to come to, but I stand by it, and I'm really happy. So… yoroshiku, Ino-chan, and thank you for all the good times, Chinen ♥
Life is seriously giving me lemons right now, but even if I'm not skillful enough to make lemonade, I'm going to do my best to put the lemons on a shelf for now and deal with them one at a time. And in the meanwhile, focusing on the positives is really helping. ♥ Good luck to everyone else out there who's fighting, too.
life sucks and then you die,
yuri is a girls name...,
ultra music power!